
TC Design


Checkboxes are used when there are lists of options and the user may select any number of choices, including zero, one, or several.

A checkbox can also be used to sign off or agree to something using a single checkbox.

If you want the user to only select one option, use a radio button list instead.


  • Always include an associated label with a matching ID next to each checkbox

  • Position checkboxes to the left of their labels

  • Left-align checkboxes

  • Stack checkbox vertically

    • Exception is Yes/No can be listed horizontally

  • Enabled/selected checkboxes use white checkmark and coloured background that meets WCAG contrast requirements

WCAG 2.0 level AA requires a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text. WCAG 2.1 requires a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 for graphics and user interface components (such as form input borders)

  • Have default, selected, hover, and focused states

  • Keyboard navigation: checkboxes can be navigate using the tab key and selected using the spacebar

  • Mouse users may select checkboxes by clicking either on the box itself or the label

  • Checkbox labels are written in sentence case

Do not:

  • Pre-select checkboxes

Order of checkbox lists

Put checkbox lists in alphabetical order, with these exceptions:

  • list yes before no

  • if there is an option that you know about 90% or more of your users will choose, put that option first

    • be careful not to bias the user’s choice or imply the importance of one option over another

  • put any “None of the above” or “I do not know” options last

Technical specifications

  • Checkbox size: 32 x 32 px

  • Space between label and input: 16px

  • Space between previous input and next label: 40px

    • Note that you can adjust the spacing between elements but make sure the elements align to an 8-pixel grid


References and resources

  1. Ontario Design System - Checkbox

TC Design