Primary buttons

TC Design

Primary buttons

Primary buttons are the main call-to-action (CTA) on a page. They are strategically positioned and visually distinct from other buttons and elements to help guide users toward the important actions or decisions on a page. Primary buttons are meant to attract attention and drive the user forward, because of this, there should only ever be one primary button per page or button grouping. Primary buttons are often made visually prominent using primary branding colors.

Tip: If you’re unsure which button should be your primary button, ask yourself what the user needs to do to move forward or complete the workflow.

When to use this component

  • Use primary buttons for the most important action on a page that helps the user achieve their main task or goal

When not to use this component

  • Avoid using primary buttons for less important actions, see Secondary buttons and Tertiary buttons

  • Don’t use primary buttons for destructive and irreversible actions such as deleting content or canceling a request. See Guideline on destructive buttons

  • When using buttons for pagination − the "Next" button is considered the primary action button and appears on the right of the page but should still be styled as a secondary button.

Best practices


  • Use a color that stands out such as a primary branding color to signify importance and capture the users attention. Ensure the is sufficient color contrast between the button and text

  • Place primary buttons somewhere prominent and at the natural end of a task or action. Try to be consistent with the placement across an application or website

  • When pairing a primary button with a secondary button, such as in a modal, place the primary button on the right of the secondary button. If designing for mobile, place the primary button above the secondary

  • Label buttons clearly and keep text short yet descriptive. Labels should use a max of 25 characters. Use common action verbs to help users to understand what action they are initiating when they interact with the button

  • Consider the French translation when designing and placing primary buttons on an interface since French uses approximately 2.2x more characters than English

  • Buttons should be the size of the text label with additional padding. Use 32px of horizontal spacing (white space) between buttons for desktop and 24px of vertical spacing (white space) between block-level buttons for mobile


  • Don’t hide primary buttons and make them challenging for users to locate

  • Don’t overuse primary buttons

  • Don’t use multiple different colors for primary buttons across an application

  • Don’t underline text on a primary button


  • Use user-testing to validate the clarity and effectiveness of primary button labels and placement


The WCAG criteria outlined in this section were chosen because they represent some of the most common failures when designing and implementing these components. For a comprehensive list, please see Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 (w3.org).

1.4.11: Non-text contrast

All active UI elements must have sufficient contrast to ensure readability and usability for users with visual impairments or in varying lighting conditions. The contrast between the primary button's text and/or icon and its background must meet the minimum contrast ratio of 3:1. Use tools like WebAIM’s Contrast Checker to verify compliance.

Understanding Non-text Contrast

Key component features 

Telerik’s button component can be styled as a primary button with and without an icon. The component offers various states such as default, focused, and hover, and multiple button sizes for different screen sizes.

Blazor Buttons Demos - Overview

Examples of Telerik's primary buttons with and without icons in default, focused and hover states
Figure 1 - Primary button with and without icon example (left to right: default, focused, hover)


Note: The following example is a visual illustration of how this component could be used in a MAACE application. Live examples of the Telerik UI component implemented in MAACE applications will be added when available

Use of a primary button as the save button at the conclusion of a form
Figure 2 - Telerik primary button component at the conclusion of a form


External resources 

Ontario Design System - Buttons

GOV.UK Design System - Buttons

WebAIM Colour Contrast Checker

9 CTA Best Practices for UX Design and Web Accessibility

Designing for Action: best Practices for Effective Buttons


TC Design