User Management

User Management

This scenario identifies when a client has user management task that cannot be completed via self-service. Currently user management activities that require a request include:

  • External user enrollment keys

  • External user account resets



Client accesses the MyTC webportal [does not exist] and locates the “Submit Request” link.  Client clicks the link.  MS Form is launched that prompts the client with a number of questions regarding their request.  The client indicates the request is for user management to occur for a a particular service. [User management includes invitations for new accounts, and account resets] [generates a request].


Receives confirmation of request via email that includes the DevOps ticket #


Receives email indicating a new request has been received that includes the DevOps ticket #

Holly clicks on the ticket # link within the email to open the DevOps Ticket.  Holly can see who created the request and the pertinent details. It is obvious from the request type that this is a request for user management for a service.

Holly moves the state of the request from “New” to “In Planning” and Holly creates a discussion comment and includes @client email and indicates – “we will act on this request and reach out as soon as we have completed”. Holly saves the request update.


Receives an email that Holly and team will act on the request. (Includes a link to the request)


What does Holly do at this point?

Suggestion:  Holly posts in the myTC Account Teams channel that a new request has come in for user management and provides the Ticket # so someone (likely Remi) can take a look and indicate that this work can get completed quickly or maybe it will take some time.

<myTC Account Staff>

Monitors the myTC Account Teams channel. When a request comes in, perform a quick triage to determine what needs to be done and how long it will take.

Creates a new DevOPs task to perform user management tasks and assign it to <Remi>.


Completes the requests. Sends an email to the client (copy Holly) with the details of the User Accounts (added, removed, modified)

Mark the DevOPs task completed and add @Holly to the discussion thread so she is notified


Receives update that the task is completed

Close the intake request and add @client to the discussion thread and the message “your request has been completed”


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