Request Triage

Request Triage

Every request to the myTC Account team should be directed through the request form so that every request:

  • is tracked (timestamped)

  • is routed to the intake team (Holly for now)

  • generates a ticket in devOps so there is transparency to the client

  • goes through a triage and resolution process

  • is eventually resolved

Each request type may have a different triage and resolution process, but each must be reach a ‘Done’ state.

(a request does not necessarily need to be worked on, a request could be deferred or redirected, but it will eventually move to the ‘Done’ state.)

Triage may include determining if this is truly something the myTC Account team has control over. Sometimes we are contacted for issues that are Not under our control.

Triage may also consider:

  • the risk associated to working on a request.

  • the impact associated to working on a request.

  • the urgency associated to a request.