TC Smart Maps

TC Smart Maps

Integrating TC SMART MAPS with ArcGIS Enterprise


TC SMART MAPS is a multi-theme, multi-disciplinary Google Earth mashup consisting of data from open source, TC propriety and custom data. There are over 100 unique map layers, encompassing Aviation Safety, Rail Safety, Marine Safety, Public Safety, Environmental Assessment, Real Property, Aboriginal Consultation and more.

Its simplicity, rich content, intuitive interface and robust performance enables users to find relevant information they need easily, and quickly. It is a one-stop geospatial portal for data sharing and information gathering and project collaboration.

Smart Maps / Google Earth Key Featutes

  • 3D Visualization – Viewing 3D models of airport zoning and Canada airspace with background LIDAR imagery.

  • Google Street View – Quickly identify features and buildings around railway grade crossings or project locations.

  • Personal Content – Complement existing data by adding personal placemarks or import project data with ease.

  • Google Global Search Capability – Powerful Google search capability to pin point location of interest or keyword search of local data content.

  • High Resolution Background Imagery and 3D LIDAR_– Street level detail of most Canadian urban areas.

  • Intuitive Navigation Controls – Fluid view rotation and tilting.

  • Superb Display Performance – Fast and efficient display with minimum lag time.

  • And More

Smart Maps Data Sources

Majority of the SMART MAPS data derived from open source, including federal, provincial and municipal governments, stakeholders as well as public domain. Others were compiled from in-house TC application databases and digital archives using geocoding, data manipulation and join techniques to transform flat data into geospatial format. Advanced complex extraction methods such as text parsing and interpretation of source pdf documents for feature geocoding were implemented to semi-automate the workflow.

Smart Maps Data Structure

TC SMART MAPS kml/kmz data are generated using industry standard ETL (Extract, Translate, Load) software called Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) from Safe Software, to create OGC compliance GIS data format, which can be shared or consumed by other GIS applications. As some dataset are too large for displaying on Google Earth, TC SMART MAPS data are uniquely structured to optimized display performance using tiling, networklink and data sampling. Large areas are chopped into small manageable blocks to reduce file size. Due to data fragmentation, some features might not be suitable for direct application consumptions.

Smart Maps Data Integration Options

  • REST API, WFS and WMS – A large collection of SMART MAPS data derived from open source. As such, by connecting directly to the authoritative source, integrity is maintained._ Furthermore, the data is always current, no maintenance is required, thus saving time and money. E.g. National Railway Network and National Hydro Network.

  • Direct original source database access – Several SMART MAPS layers derived from in-house TC applications. The Oracle non-spatial database can be connected live in either read or write mode. These includes Navigation Protection Programs (NPP) database and National Environmental Assessment Tracking System (NEATS) database.

  • Direct original source data access – These are data which have been generated based on TC regulations and standards. Others are data which were processed through geocoding, converting tabular data into geospatial format. E.g. Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS) and Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reports System (CADORS)

  • Unstructured TC Smart Maps dataset – Data which are optimized for SMART MAPS need to be regenerated as a seamless file specifically for Enterprise GIS to preserve data integrity.


Providing current and up-to-date information is critical for smart business making. By consuming data directly from authoritative sources would ensure the information is accurate, thus saving time and money. While not all data are readily available for direct consumption, it is important that they are properly maintained and regularly updated to ensure data integrity to avoid catastrophe.

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