Service Settings

Service Settings


The Service Settings card and Service Settings menu bar let administrators manage service settings. These pages can only be accessed if the administrator has any of the following permissions on at least one MTOA supported service:

  • Create Service Preferences

  • Read Service Preferences

  • Update Service Preferences

The table below describes what an administrator can do with a given permission. 


Read Service Setting

Create Service Setting

Update Service Setting

Create and invite users in any service

View service settings list




See note below.

Create service settings




Edit a service settings




Note: An administrator with the special permission "Create and invite users in any service" in myTC Account Administration service needs to be enrolled in a given service with permissions as described above to read and manage service settings.

If a service setting is created or modified, it generally takes 5 minutes to see the change due to caching.

This page displays all service settings, if none exist then the table will be empty. Administrators can manage existing service settings and create new ones.

When a user is assigned to a specific service with some permissions for service settings in that service, those permissions are applicable to all service settings created for that service.

Add New Service settings

This option allows administrators to create new service settings and requires the Create Service Preference permission. Without this permission, the “Add New Setting“ button will not be displayed.

Allow admin to create a new email template. This action requires Create service preference permission. Otherwise, the button will not be displayed as shown below.


Edit Service Settings

This option allows administrators to update service settings and requires the Update Service Preference permission. If there is no permission on a given service, the Edit button will not be displayed.

Add/Edit Service settings Page




This field displays a list of supported services based on the current administrators permissions.
For example, on the Create Service Settings page, the services displayed are those where the administrator has the Create Service Preference permission. Similarly, on the Edit Service Settings page, the services displayed are those where the administrator has Edit Service Preference permissions. To select more than one service from the list you must hold the CTRL key on the keyboard.


Key name of the service setting.


Value associated to the key.


Saves the service setting, then returns to the service settings list.


Returns to the service settings list.


This is an example of a validation summary. A link to the field where the validation failed is provided. The field where the validation failed will also have a message.

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