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Client accesses the MyTC webportal [does not exist] and locates the “Submit Request” link. Client clicks the link. MS Form is launched that prompts the client with a number of questions regarding their request. The client indicates the request is for a Bug in the MyTC Platform and completes the details of what is required within the form and submits the form [generates a request].
Receives confirmation of request via email that includes the DevOps ticket #
Receives email indicating a new request has been received that includes the DevOps ticket #
Holly clicks on the ticket # link within the email to open the DevOps Ticket. Holly can see who created the request and the pertinent details. It is obvious from the request type that this is a new bug being identified for myTC Account.
Holly moves the state of the request from “New” to “In Planning” and Holly creates a discussion comment and includes @client email and indicates – “we will triage this request and reach out as soon as we have an assessment”. Holly saves the request update.
Receives an email that Holly and team will triage the request. (Includes a link to the request)
Creates a message thread in myTC Account Teams Support group. “Can someone please have a look at the following ticket # XXXXXX and let me know what we should do with this one. Thanks Holly”
<myTC Account Staff>
Receives a message in myTC Account Teams Support Channel regarding a ticket. Each staff should open and read the ticket so they are aware of the issue. Any staff that can respond on what to do about the issue should do so. The triage discussion should try to decide what to do with the request <New Bug> <Known Bug><Needs Triage>
<myTC Scrum Master>
Opens a new bug in the myTC Dev backlog. In the comment include Holly so she is made aware of the new bug #.
Receives an email that a new bug is opened. Holly links the request to the bug and changes the the status of the intake request to “Committed” and creates a discussion including the @client so they will be notified the bug is opened
Receives an email that a new bug is opened.
*Wait for sprint planning*
<myTC Scrum Master>
Locates the known bug in the myTC Dev backlog. In the comment include Holly so she is made aware of the known bug #.
Receives an email that this is an existing bug. Holly links the request to the bug and changes the the status of the intake request to “Committed” and creates a discussion including the @client so they will be notified of the existing bug
Receives an email that a bug exists.
*Wait for sprint planning*
<myTC Scrum Master>
Hosts a triage session with the myTC staff team to determine if this request is a bug
Participates in the triage session to determine if this request is a bug and optionally invites the client.
Invited to triage session
<myTC Scrum Master>
Determines the outcome <New Bug> <Not a Bug>
<myTC Scrum Master>
Identifies that this issue request is NOT a bug. (could be design intent). Inform Holly that this issue is not a bug. (How? likely through myTC Teams channel since the bulk of the discussion making)
Holly moves the state of the request from “In Planning” to “Done” and Holly creates a discussion comment and includes @client email and indicates – “This issue was identified as not a bug and will be closed”. Holly saves the request update.
Receives an email that Holly and team has triaged the request. and the issue will be closed.