UX work (research and presentations)
Mainly UX research and results, and change management presentations, after Dec 2021. This page also contains some old process flows that I found and have saved them for archival purposes.
Name and description | File/location/supporting documents | Questions? |
v0 Marine Cargo Inspection Process flows From the Halifax, Montreal, Vancouver offices. Made in Dec 2019 by Dan. |
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v1 Marine Cargo Inspection Process flows Cargo inspection flow for the Pacific and Quebec/Atlantic region. Unknown start. Likely 2019-2022. By Dan. | https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_khiwEwo=/?share_link_id=68402877109 |
v2 Marine Cargo Inspection Process flows Cargo inspection flow for the Pacific, Ontario and Quebec. Started Dec. 2022. By Dan. | https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVP87RSGI=/
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MiTrack workflow Made in Feb 2021. By Dan. |
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MiTrack’s purpose and vision A user asked during the sprint review what MiTrack was for, 10 months after its release. So I thought, as a part of change management, to present a few slides about MiTrack’s purpose and vision. Presented Jan. 26th, 2022. |
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HTML input to PDF output A visual to show Justin what we’re planning to do for collecting data for certificates. This method is both responsive (HTML) and recognizable to users (looks like the PDF). It also outputs the certificate in the official format, PDF. Presented Feb. 12th, 2022. |
Current deficiency tracking and certificate issuance practices among inspectors across Canada I spoke with 5 inspectors with the goal of identifying the current deficiency tracking and certificate issuance practices for Port Warden inspections, and how they deal with media.
Completed Feb. 16th, 2022. |
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Current deficiency tracking and certificate issuance flow for Port Warden inspections and how MiTrack’s new features help improve the existing flow Some change management for inspectors and HQ as to why we’re making these changes (Naim mentioned in the previous sprint review that he did not know we had a deficiencies piece at all).
Presented Feb. 23rd, 2022. |
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What language do inspectors wants certificates to be generated in? This research contributed to what language default we set certificate generation at (having the toggle was mandatory to HQ, even though the users had no need for it). Finished Mar. 7th, 2022. |
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What the upcoming changes will look like for users? A part of change management, to make our users aware of what the plan for the tabs is once the upcoming changes are implemented.
Presented Mar. 9th, 2022. |
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(Outdated) Preliminary research - who checks the validation of inspection certificates? Trying to find out which user actually checks inspection certificates (prelim, form B, RTL, FTP) to find who our users are. Seems to be shippers and Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). Completed Mar. 10th, 2022
Edit from Apr. 27: This preliminary research is now overrided by this piece you can find by scrolling down: “Should inspection certificates be integrated in EVE? Who checks the inspections certificates? How do they compare to EVE’s insurance certificates?” Completed Apr. 27.
| https://whimsical.com/mitrack-eve-validation-UPmDiHWeZ4pMMhPWHU6y4 Screenshot: Full email texts:
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Preliminary survey results for the state of internet connection and devices for Marine inspectors and managers across Canada Naim requested this info during a sprint review. Sent Mar. 15th, 2022. |
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Major Port Warden clients in St. Catharines Marine Safety office, ranked by revenue. Preliminary Research to discover which clients are most relevant for Port Wardens, localized to the St. Catharines region. Our end goal is to discover how we can provide clients more value in light of recent fee increases. Therefore, we must first identify the relevant users. Note: this research only looks at clients who were billed - not all the users involved in the process (ie. the users who place the service request in the first place). Completed Mar. 23rd, 2022. |
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User Acceptance Testing Guide - certificates English and French version of the UAT guide that I created for testing our newly added feature: adding certificates. I included questions about another research topic we’re doing, which was research about clients, who request PW inspections. Complete Mar. 25th, 2022. |
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Common Component Discussion with other Marine teams (transcript and findings) Was tasked with discovering how other Marine applications can leverage MiTrack's deficiency component, and upcoming tombstone piece. See the first document (“Common component questions”) for the task. Found that only SIRS, Vessel Registry (VR), and Port State Control are relevant for these components. Simon did the research for the PSC, and it’s included at the bottom of the third document. SIRS could leverage our deficiencies and tombstone piece in the future, if needed. VR has their own tombstone piece coming out soon, but both teams will try to keep ours flexible.
For devs - I have included screenshots at the top of each documents with the fields both teams use/need, for reference.
Completed Apr. 5th, 2022. |
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Software to read PDFs forms - RPA Discovery Talked with Danny, Phillipe, and Jared from the RPA team to explore what kind of technology was currently available at TC to help us parse text from uploaded PDF documents (inspection certificates). We wanted for users to not have to re-enter data from their certificates. Current status: HQ has agreed for our team to postpone our data collection for the manually uploaded certificates, after the backlash from inspectors during the sprint review. Meanwhile. I will use the time to research for them what specific points of data they actually need, before looking into RPA and other options best suited to this new dataset. RPA’s software seems very expensive, process-wise, for our purposes.
Closed Apr. 8th, 2022. | Transcript:
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User Acceptance Testing Notes and Takeaways User acceptance testing notes for the “upload preliminary certificate” feature, in dev. All users felt successful accomplishing the task. Two users had found it somewhat easy, and felt that it took less time than expected. One user found the task neither easy nor hard to do on MiTrack, and felt it took as long as he expected. Takeaways: -need a way to tell users that generated certificate has been sent to their email. -we should keep the “preliminary certificate” and “no deficiencies” checkbox. They have important use cases. -HQ needs to do a PW refresher course for standization of certificate issuance. -The current PDF name is not meaningful, but it is also not important to users. -Users could get interrupted during certificate creation so a save feature may be warranted - requires more thought. -some issues with the current inspection tab, eg. inspection tab closing hides the deficiencies section. All the users had an issue with that. A new inspection tab has already been redesigned with plans to implement in 2 months. Once the new design is implemented, these issues should be resolved.
Completed Apr. 8th, 2022 |
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How can we provide more value to external clients? - Interview transcripts and data Interview transcripts with representatives from the 6 of the largest marine agencies across Canada, to find out how we can provide them more value. This was spurred by the request from CRSM to make a portal for agents to give them more value. Office names are made anonymous. For identities, please contact Xinran Wang or Simon Jones.
Completed Apr.12th. 2022 | RDIMS 18517392 | |
How can we provide more value to external clients? - Presentation and summary Presentation for HQ to summarize the findings after speaking with representatives from 6 of the largest marine agencies across Canada, and two directors from the Shipping Federation of Canada, to find out how we can provide them more value. Spoiler: the CRSR requesting platform and the MTOA portal, in its current ideation, will not benefit our external clients.
Completed Apr.14th. 2022 Updated May 10, 2022 |
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[raw data] Should inspection certificates be integrated in EVE? Who checks the inspections certificates? Interviews with various external clients who receive MiTrack inspection certificates. Includes shippers, dock, and agents. Goal was to find out what they do with the inspection certificates, and if digital certificate validation would benefit them. Completed Apr. 25, 2022 | RDIMS#18539235 | |
[Presentation] Should inspection certificates be integrated in EVE? Who checks the inspections certificates? How do they compare to EVE’s insurance certificates? Presentation that includes the lifecycle of an inspection certificate, which parties come in contact with it, and their certificate verification needs. Also include slides at the end that compare insurance certificate (currently exists in EVE) to inspection certificates (which are to go into EVE).
Completed Apr. 27.2022 Updated May 19, 2022 |
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Time entry discovery |
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Time entry feedback |
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Time entry - manager’s feedback |
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Inspection history feedback |
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New time entry design - Why & How Presentation to explain why we are making this change to the time entries, and how we plan to roll it out. Updated Aug. 10, 2022. |
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Time entry /inspection page update - user feedback 31 unique inspectors using the new system. 24 responses. 21 preferred the new system. 3 were ok with the new system. 0 preferred the old system. Jan 25, 2023 |
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MITRACK Homepage discovery Presentation on research done asking users what they wanted to have on their homepage.
Presented Aug. 24, 2022. |
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What UX is up to - presentation for sprint review Preliminary overview about my 3 visits to Hamilton to observe cargo inspections, some igh-level lessons learned, as well as introducing the new research project of visiting big marine offices across Canada to get deeper insights and validate our process maps.
Presented Dec. 14, 2022. |
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Inspection history discovery |
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Inspection history design, feedback, and iterations |
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Risk profile discovery and wireframe v0 Requirements for risk profile and preliminary wireframe. Dec 2022. | Requirements: Not in RDIMS yet. | |
Risk profile discovery and wireframe v1 Requirements for risk profile and preliminary wireframe. Jan 2023. | Requirements: RDIMS 19155582 | |
Visit to regions - St. Cats |
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Visit to regions - Vancouver |
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Visit to regions - preliminary presentation |