MIU Automated Testing: Playwright

MIU Automated Testing: Playwright


Latest version of PowerShell need to install


Built by Microsoft, Playwright is a Node.js library that, with a single API, automates Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit. These APIs can be used by developers writing JavaScript code to create new browser pages, navigate to URLs and then interact with elements on a page.

Add Microsft.playwrite and Microsoft.Playwright.Nunit to the test project




public async Task PlaywriteTest()
// await Page.GotoAsync("https://playwright.dev ");
await Expect(Page).ToHaveURLAsync(new Regex("Playwrite"));

var getstarted = Page.GetByRole(AriaRole.Link, new() { Name = "Get started" }); await Expect(getstarted).ToHaveAttributeAsync("href", "/doc/intro"); await getstarted.ClickAsync(); await Expect(Page).ToHaveURLAsync(new Regex(".*intro"));


YAMl file need to add into the project example is

trigger: none resources: - repo: self # schedules: #   - cron: "0 * * * *" #     displayName: MID Automate Test  #     branches: #       include: #         - sharmap/DevsecOps_from_dev #     always: true #     batch: true # Define variable `APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING` in Azure DevOps Pipeline Library or Azure Key Vault that is linked to a Library variables:    - group: MIUKeyVaultSecretsVariableGroup        pool:   name: Marine Self-Hosted DotNetCore 3.1 jobs:   - job: RunMIDWebSiteTests     displayName: Run Automated MIDWebSite playwrite Tests....     timeoutInMinutes: 10     variables:     - group: 'MIUKeyVaultSecretsVariableGroup'     steps:            - checkout: self         submodules: true       # - task: CmdLine@2       #   inputs:       #    script: 'npm ci'                - task: NuGetCommand@2         displayName: Install Dependencies         inputs:          command: 'restore'          restoreSolution: '**/*.sln'          feedsToUse: 'select'          vstsFeed: 'f44d1ef3-b012-4d30-b1d3-0cbfc6ab7352'        - script: npm i npx playwright install --with -deps       - task: CmdLine@2         displayName: Install Dependencies         inputs:           # Install Playwright dependencies onto the agent.           # We are only installing Chromium in this example to minimize install time.           script: |             cd E2E_Tests             dotnet build             powershell bin/Debug/net8.0/playwright.ps1 install chromium              - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2         displayName: Run Mid Test         inputs:           command: 'test'           projects: '**/MID.Website.Playwright.Tests.csproj'           arguments: '--configuration $(buildConfiguration)'           testRunTitle: 'MIU test for MID Playwrite'                             

after test run ,it will show fail/pass like below


Test coverage will show you error for the fail test