Playwright Implementation
Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit with a single API. It is built to enable cross-browser web automation that is reliable and fast. Playwright, also has its own test runner for end-to-end tests called Playwright Test. Some of its other features include:
Can execute tests in parallel.
Provides context isolation out of the box.
Captures videos, screenshots, and other artifacts on failure.
Integrates your POM’s as extensible fixtures.
First off, You may need to install latest node and npm before installing playwright.
Step 1: Create your project folder and run the command at the root level:
npm init playwright
Step 2: Next, choose the language you want to use in your project – ‘Javascript’ or ‘Typescript’.
Step 3: Next, add the folder name where you want to keep your tests. By default, the folder name is ‘tests’.
Step 4: Next, choose if you want to add a Github Actions workflow to your project. By default, it is set to yes(Y). in our case we would select n
Step 5: Once It’s installed , you can open your code ide (VS code) to check the playwright project
Step 6: run your test
npx playwright test
Note: npx is the npm package runner CLI.
Existing issues:
we only allow trusted devices & browsers, and we don’t have a non-prod authentication environment. As such when testing via none headless , the browser would be opened in-private / cognito mode.
1- If we had a SSO with a dev/test environment where we could disable MFA this would provide us the ability to run automated tests with significantly less effort. (this solutions is against the security policies.)
2- having a TC generic testing AAD account with MFA disabled would be good option