RSIG New Fiscal Year data entries

RSIG New Fiscal Year data entries

Near the end of each fiscal year, the RSIG database requires updating for the next fiscal year. These steps must be done by the RSIG clients and the RSIG development team every year in February/March.

The business client user enters “Issues” and “Risk Control Actions” (RCAs) through the RSIG application into the database. Then, personnel on the RSIG team set up the “Categories”. The Categories are grouped as follows:

  • National A

  • National B: Engineer group

  • National B: Equipment group

  • National B: OPS/OHS group

  • National C: Engineer group

  • National C: Equipment group

  • National C: OPS/OHS group

  • Regional B: Engineer group

  • Regional B: Equipment group

  • Regional B: OPS/OHS group

  • Regional C: Engineer group

  • Regional C: Equipment group

  • Regional C: OPS/OHS group


  1. The RSIG development team starts by creating Product Backlog Items (PBIs) in the Azure DevOps environment with instructions to set up the fiscal year data for each of the above groups. The PBIs are assigned to the appropriate Rail Client user.

  2. User: Enter issues and RCAs into RSIG and verify the accuracy. Once done, assign the PBI to the RSIG Team QA specialist. Change status of PBI to “QA Ready”.

  3. RSIG Team QA Specialist: Validation of the data entered. Once done, assign the PBI to the RSIG Team DB Specialist. Change status of PBI to “Database”.  

  4. RSIG Team DB Specialist: Data Configuration in Service Desk environment. Once done, assign the PBI to RSIG Team QA Specialist. Change status to “QA Ready”.

  5. RSIG Team QA Specialist: Validation. Once done, assign the PBI to RSIG Team DB Specialist. Change status to “Database”.

  6. RSIG Team DB Specialist: Add the new data to the production database.. Once done, assign back to user and change the status of the PBI to “Done”.

Further details to be added to these instructions later.