RSIG Software release to Production: Create Service Manager Ticket

This document presents the step-by-step guide to the process of releasing RSIG to the Production environment. A new software release of RSIG to Production (PROD) requires creating a ticket in Service Manager (SMGS)


Log into Service Manager (SMGS)

Under Change Management, select changes\Open New Change

Select “Software” in the Category list


The change request screen shows with the change ID and Phase “Change Logging”. Add the required information: 


You can refer the SMGS ticket from the previous release for the information. In Initiator section, put the account of the who will coordinate the release. Description will be the summary from the Release Notes document.  Fill the “Change Detail” tab information.

Under tab “Impact/Justification”, fill the information


Under Tab “Blackout Plan”, fill the information by copying from previous ticket.


After all required information are in, click “Save”, then “Close”. Reopen the ticket. The “Plan” Tab will show, and Phase changed from “Change Logging” to “Change Review”


Under “Plan” tab, put the tasks for the release. Can refer previous PROD change request and modify.


Click “Save”. All RSIG team members should receive the email of the change request phase “Change Review” email. Forward the email to related team members for reviewing.

Update the Change request based on the feedback if applicable.

Close the ticket, reopen it. The phase will be changed to “Change Assessment & Planning”, and first task was created.



Change management will review and create tasks according to the plan. RSIG team will work on the tasks assigned. Change Coordinator need assign the task to responsible individuals in the team and monitor the progress.

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