Working Agreement

Working Agreement


  • CORE HOURS: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

  • NO lunch meetings (12 PM - 1 PM)



  • Honest/Open communication; keep lines of communication open within the team. (8,0,0)

  • Use Retrospective board (DevOps) to identify good/bad (optional) (4, 3, 1)

  • Be transparent and honest (8,0,0)

  • Be attentive/respectful when others talking (8,0,0)

    • Listening, not shooting down ideas, not using phone or ignoring person speaking, engaged with speaker

    • If discussion heated or not moving forward, scrum master will facilitate to keep discussion moving

  • Everyone should actively contribute; everyone's opinions matter. (8,0,0)

    • If you feel that you need to say something, you should have that opportunity

  • Communication about project should always include all of Team Kraken (e-mail, Teams) (7, 1, 0)

    • Communication about project should be open to all team members and stakeholders (Teams and email, as appropriate - such as seeking feedback from a stakeholder or asking a question)

  • Project communication should be about the project (Vessel Registry channels are appropriate for project discussions) and not the team or team dynamics (Team Kraken Channel is the appropriate channel for this) (8,0,0)

  • A team decision, whether by consensus or majority vote, will be considered a vote of consensus on behalf of Team Kraken by the product owner and scrum master (when true consensus may not be possible). (8,0,0)

  • Discussions with management, airing of grievances should be discussed at Retrospective, with Scrum Master, or with supervisor/management outside of public Teams channels (8,0,0)

    • True discussion and conflict resolution will include entire team and management in a meeting (rather than online)

  • The best interest of the project and stakeholders  should be at the heart of all decisions (8,0,0)



  • Notify team via MS Teams (Team Kraken) channel or e-mail if late or absent or working from home. (8,0,0)

  • Attend mandatory stand-up, virtually if not possible otherwise. Bring laptop and open channel to involve remote.  In exceptional cases, send stand up in e-mail or Teams to Team Kraken (8,0,0)

  • Attend all Scrum events, virtually if not possible otherwise. (8,0,0)

  • Avoid the use of cell phones during a scrum event for non-urgent, non-work matters (8,0,0)



  • Sprint Reviews need to be discussed and agreed upon by the whole team before presenting.  At the very least, Product Owner must be consulted as he is our team's representative to stakeholders. (8,0,0)

    • Avoid last minute changes or surprises - unless Troy has been consulted.

    • Code builds are not done that could impact the product after Review finalized.

  • Take longer discussions offline

  • Stick to timebox for stand-up: 15 minutes for coordinating design/dev activities

  • Scrum framework and the tools (i.e. DevOps, backlogs, taskboards, .NET, Blazor) we use at TC; show a willingness to increase knowledge of Scrum and the tools we use. (8,0,0)

    • Follow the process and ask for help if there are questions rather than not using the framework or established processes.

  • Software development: avoid always taking requests or PBI's literally, don't be afraid to ask questions or question the requirements - speak with team! (8,0,0)

  • Do a proper pull request review: if you're going to approve, the expectation is that due diligence is being followed. Bring issues back to dev. (8,0,0)



TOOLS (8,0,0) (team agreement on tools)

  • Blazor

  • DevOps

  • Confluence

  • Taskboard (Sprint backlog)

  • Product Backlog

  • Google Slides

  • Miro

  • Google Jamboard

  • Paper and pen

  • Post-Its



  • Fill out learning profile and try to find suitable learning activities whenever possible based on sprint goal and activities (6,2,0)



  • 100% priority on project: no other projects or priorities (8,0,0)

    • Discuss with the team if things come up - there are times when this may not be avoidable due to operational requirements

  • Show a willingness to seek guidance and help when requirements are unclear, show a willingness to learn from failures, and be comfortable saying “I don’t know" (8,0,0).


Signed (February 7, 2020 @ 4:06 PM),

Team Kraken

Troy Bradley

Walter Hoban

Jervin Francisco

Yong Guan

Lisa Cormier

Kajal Chaudhari

Maggie Lee

Justin Green

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