
ROM Environments

Development - https://romts-gsrst-dev-tcd365.crm3.dynamics.com/

Quality Assurance - https://romts-gsrst-qa-tcd365.crm3.dynamics.com/

Acceptance - https://romts-gsrst-acc-tcd365.crm3.dynamics.com/

Production  - https://rom-prod-tcd365.crm3.dynamics.com/


DevOps (TSIS 2.0) - https://dev.azure.com/transport-canada/TSIS%202.0/_backlogs/backlog/TSIS%202.0%20Team/Epics

o   Environment utilized by the team to

§  Articulate, document and prioritize business requirements (Business Team)

§  Serve as a blueprint for application development and/or functionality enhancement (Development Team)

§  Track development process, and document functional testing results (both)


Lucidchart - Lucidchart | Diagramming Powered By Intelligence   (account required)

o   A collaborative online workspace primarily used by the business to visualize and articulate business and functional workflows and processes.

Balsamiq - Balsamiq Cloud  (account required)

o   A collaborative online workspace primarily used by the business to visualize and create mockups to assist the development team in the development of desired application functionality. 

ConfluenceTSIS 2.0

§  A recent addition to the project. Intended to be a centralized reference point for all ROM related information, documentation and project details


Test Accounts

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