
TC Design


Government of Canada agile resources 

For information on agile, please visit the Agile Wiki or the Agile Centre of Excellence SharePoint site. 

Agile Wiki

Agile Centre Of Excellence - Centre d'excellence Agile - Home / Accueil (sharepoint.com) 

Canada School of Public Service 

The Canada School of Public Service offers many courses on agile. These courses are free for Government of Canada employees and are available in both English and French. 

Canada School of Public Service - CSPS (csps-efpc.gc.ca) 

Agile Community of Practice 

If you are interested in connecting with a community of other agile practitioners, consider joining the Agile Community of Practice. The Agile Community of Practice meets once a month on Tuesday afternoons. Agile CoP meetings are facilitated by the Agile Centre of Excellence (Agile CoE) at Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The Agile Centre of Excellence team can be reached by email at: AgileCoE-CdEAgile@dfo-mpo.gc.ca  

External agile resources 

Home | Scrum.org 

Agile delivery - Service Manual - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

The user experience role in agile 

For information on how user experience fits into the agile methodology, please see the following resources: 


How the Design Process can fit into a sprint

UX Definition of Done

UX Definition of Ready


Doing UX in an Agile World (nngroup.com) 

Jared Spool: Reframe Agile to Deliver Great UX (youtube.com) 

The Humanizing Work Guide to Splitting User Stories


TC Design