Developer On-Boarding Template / Gabarit de bienvenue pour les développeurs
Developer On-Boarding Template / Gabarit de bienvenue pour les développeurs
Before Start Date / Avant la date de début
Team lead | tech advisor |
Request User Account and IT Equipment in ORION using the “New Employee Onboarding” option (can take up to 2 weeks to complete) (https://orion.tc.gc.ca/dwp/app/#/activity) Confirm user location (e.g., NCR, Toronto, …) as the IT Equipment will be provided from the TC office closest to the developer) Request IT Equipment with admin account access 1. Standard equipment is a tablet. 2. Mouse, keyboard, bag, lock and docking station can be requested without additional cost 3. Ask employees how may monitors they would like to have - employees can request 0..2 external monitors. 4. Request a Developer spec laptop (we will get what ever model is available e.g.., Lenovo ThinkPad P15 Laptop (Touchscreen, Intel Core i7, 32GB RAM, 500GB SSD). Add to Team Fusion Distribution List 1. TC.F NCR AFCC Team Fusion / Équipe Fusion RCN F.TC <TeamFusion-EquipeFusion2@tc.gc.ca> (@zhiyong zhang, @Samantha Tim, @Adam Nguyen, @Jerry Wang (Unlicensed) have access to do this from Outlook) Request a Confluence License (@zhiyong zhang is a Confluence admin) Request a Visual Studio Subscription Add to Microsoft Teams Teams 1. SCEM 3. Solutions Centre 4. TCOMS - SCEM: App Support (also add to private channels) Add to Microsoft Teams Tags 1. Delivery Team 2. Devs Ask Eric Chartrand to add to our team mailing list: TC.F NCR AFCC Security programs and stakeholder engagement applications / Application de la surete, des programmes et de l’engagement des parties prenante RCN F.TC <AFCCSPSEApps-AppSPEPP@tc.gc.ca> (Employees only)
| Request MSDN / Visual Studio License in Orion (https://orion.tc.gc.ca/dwp/app/#/activity) Check if existing license in team available from someone in Sam’s who left and request a transfer Create and/or Assign CRM Dev Environment 1. https://tcmarin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DC/pages/269254862 Add to Active Directory Groups 1. TC-PBI-SCEM-OPPSES Developers - Microsoft Azure 2. TC-SAC - Microsoft Azure Request Application Developer Role (for access to Azure AD which is required for Power BI) 1. https://tc3oe.tc.gc.ca/ssp-pls/ Set up in PowerAutomate
After Start Date - within the first 2 weeks
New developer | if employee | Existing developer |
Team Lead, confirm developer Admin access available on laptop (can take up to 1 week) - if not follow up with IT Service Desk (orion@tc.gc.ca) Add your name to the Team Fusion member lists Team Lead, go over the working agreement with the developer, importance to how we work , etc., Once completed, dev will review and sign the Working Agreement Team Lead go over Government of Canada Digital Standards: Playbook Speak to the culture of how we deliver systems in the Government of Canada, including Transport Canada Highlight specific linkages to how we work on our current system Team Lead, give developer an overview of the project - objectives, goals, outcomes we are working towards. Once completed - developer Review Business Case: http://mytc/rdims/14796782 Review ECH Sprint / Scrum: Events Calendar, Attendance, Work Hours and update with your working hours Review data classification. note that asies is protected b 1. http://mytc/information-management-security-2617.html. 2. https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/esc-src/protection-safeguarding/niveaux-levels-eng.html Pair program a PBI with Existing developer Setup email signature block per http://mytc/how-to-make-your-signature-block-inclusive-and-accessible-12287.html IT-01 - IT-04 & contractor: Sample signatures
| Employee mandatory training: HR-to-Pay Sign employee up for the next “Agile Fundamentals” course with the Agile CoE (AgileCoE-CdEAgile@tc.gc.ca) Go over “OHS — Employee Duties and Rights” especially Tips on ergonomics in the workplace | Pair program a PBI with New developer |
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