2018-10-16 - GIS Analytics & eGIS Project

2018-10-16 - GIS Analytics & eGIS Project


  • First meeting (i.e., meet and greet) between the Enterprise GIS and Enterprise Analytics project teams to discuss GIS data governance issues and determine next steps.


  • Munish Talwar


  • Jeff Annable

  • Rida Al Osman

  • Denis Arrage

  • Gopal Singh

  • Jonathan Bailey (EGIS)

  • Kevin Lim (EGIS)

  • Stefan Boniecki (EGIS)

  • Claire Rees (EGIS)

  • Dominic Canuel

  • Ala Johnston


  • Nathalie Gauthier (EGIS)

Meeting Notes

  • Enterprise Analytics team is:
    -- standing up enterprise BI capabilities for TC.
    -- pursuing a bimodal BI strategy
    -- using Microsoft BI component (e.g., Power BI)
    -- using SAP targeting 5,000 users
    -- plans to run in cloud
    -- toolkis include Python, SAS, and R
    -- visualization capabilities can come from EGIS potentially
    -- prefers to run GIS analyses within database platforms if possible
    -- needs the EGIS to integrate with BI tools implemented

  • Enterprise GIS team
    -- discussed work completed to date
    -- shared plans for the future
    -- clarified project goal and objectives

  • Data Governance
    -- Enterprise Analytics project will have a Data Lake and is assuming that they are custodian of TC data and the GIS should pull from the data lake instead of storing these data
    -- Enterprise Analytics sees GIS as a tool and that any data should reside with them
    -- Need to understand types of data... general data governance issues
    -- If Enterprise Analytics pursued a hybrid deployment model, how does that impact EGIS, which is 100% public cloud?

Next Steps

  • Host a meeting with key technical people to start identifying data governance issues and how the EGIS and Enterprise Analytics projects will integrate together at the enterprise level.