web.config checklist
To avoid confusion for troubleshooting, verify that the “add key” values correspond to the environment where the web.config is deployed.
the Environment value should be set to the correct environment (Development, Acceptance, Production).
the AppName value should correspond to the application it is for.
avoid providing only one name. Ideally, all members of the team responsible for the application should be included.
individual email addresses must be provided.
<add key="TCErrorEmailAddress" value ="name1@tc.gc.ca; name2@tc.gc.ca; name3@tc.gc.ca;” />
when an email aliases (for example “ncrafcccteamavroarrows-equipeavroarrowsrcn@tc.gc.ca”) error emails are not sent.
When I collaborated with IT previously, they tried to use the alias in an error email that they setup. They found the alias was being treated as a “spam”
if the email addresses provided in the TCErrorEmailAddress key are valid and error messages are not received: verify the setting for EmailAddress (usually near the top of the web.config).
True: email errors are sent.
False: email errors are not set
the web.configs for development and acceptance typically contain connection strings for development, acceptance and production.
ensure that the web.config contains a valid, uncommented connection string for the environment it corresponds to.
the connection strings for other environments should be commented out by default.