Group My Key for shared mailboxes
User setup for shared My Key on shared mailboxes:
This needs to be done by all users being added to the mailbox:
Pre-requisite: access to the shared mailbox.
Assumption: user has added the shared mailbox to their outlook profile and can see the emails.
Recommendation from IT:
if you have access to multiple My Keys (security stores), log into the My Key for your TC account before connecting to the VPN;
then connect to the VPN and group My Key(s)/security store(s).
Connecting to the group My Key
If you have not done so yet, map a shared drive pointing to \\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv
How to Map a Drivenavigate to the location where the mailbox encryption file is stored. For example:
\\ncrws548\scripts\CivAv\FOAEA\mailbox_encryptiondouble click the file: AVROARROWS.epf
login with the credentials for the group My Key for the shared email box (how to set up: see the link below)-to get to the âFOAEA mail box group my keyâ credential inside the file
Access to Database Passwords (Transferred to SharePoint)you will only be able to open emails that are received after you connected to the group My Key.
This is the end of the steps that should be done by all team members.
Refer to the following sections for obtaining and setting up a shared My Key for a shared mailbox that does not already have it setup:
Obtaining a shared My Key for shared mailbox that has encrypted emails
a group My Key needs to be set up. This part only needs to be done once for a shared mailbox.
For example: for the DSD FOAEA / LAEOEF DGSN see Orion REQ22730
Setting up shared My Key on a shared mailbox.
A local registration authority (LRA) will assist with the initial setup.
For example, for the DSD FOAEA / LAEOEF DGSN see Orion REQ22730