PowerBuilder applications Deployment Procedure

PowerBuilder applications Deployment Procedure

  1. Create EXE for new version

  2. Deploy version for Business System ADMIN to perform UAT testing

  3. Once accepted contact CSSG team informing of a new version readiness to deploy
    Hnatiuk, Jolanta jolanta.hnatiuk@tc.gc.ca

    Donaldson, Grant grant.donaldson@tc.gc.ca

  4. Copy the new version files to the directory they provide (Example \\ncras22\CSSG Release\CSSG Staging\CCARCSE)

  5. CSSG team will create an MSI out of files provided in the directory and prepare it for testing using MECM deployment server (Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager server)

  6. CSSG moves this packaged application to MECM ACC environment, so they can co-ordinate pre-production testing. They will be contacting us, so some functional testing could be performed, in order to verify that the application once packaged into an MSI and deployed automatically via MECM server, is still working as expected. This testing takes place in our test lab

  7. MECM server is used to automatically send deployment to production computers. Most deployments are sent to users’ desktop computers on Friday’s end of day (EST time), and it usually takes few days to complete it.  It was determined that dues to bandwidth constraints, this was the best time of the week to trigger the automated deployment for any application.

  8. CSSG uses the same AD security group for any Application deployment and just change application version behind it. The deployments are sent to computers identified. We need to know computer name for any user requesting a deployment. (List should be reviewed prior to a release)

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