Git Bash
Git Bash
To download Git Bash, go to https://git-scm.com/downloads
Open up Git Bash.
Navigate to the folder where you store your repos.
cd /C/Users/lemi/source/repos/
Update repo.
git fetch
Navigate to correct branch (if needed). The current branch is in brackets beside the path.
If you want to create a new branch named “branch-name”:
git checkout -b new-branch-name
To switch to an existing branch named “branch-name”:
Set upstream branch to track remote branch.
Stage files to be committed (add to git tracking). The below command add all files.
or if you have deleted files you want to stage. Otherwise, the above statement does not stage deletions (i.e.: delete files from the repo):
Commit changes.
Push changes to remote.
All changes should now be in DevOps branch.