Attendees: Jiehua Yi, Stefan, Josh Hevenor, Ryan Lefebvre, Jon Racicot
Date: 2019-03-20
Location: Webex
In our various dev and sandbox environments we’ve manually managed our certificate. In support of our production infrastructure I’d like to discuss options to have azure manager our certs.
Also, a call-out for topics for the bi-weekly meeting.
No MS representatives called in
Managing Certs
Scenario 1: egis.tc.gc.ca
EGIS manages cert
Scenario 2: cloud.tc.gc.ca/egis
Cloud/Web manages certs
Future discussions
A technical azure discussion, with Adiy?
A business oriented discussion, with Dennis Lenard
Missing participants
There was no reminder set on the original invite that caused the meeting to get missed by some. This has been corrected.
Manage tc.gc.ca namespace through azure dns? Cert options? Ask Adiy.
Answer: No
Check with Adiy re bi-weekly participation