How-to run MEMS on Desktop

How-to run MEMS on Desktop

This page details how to get you DEV workstation set up to run MEMS from within Visual Studio.

If you want to run in DEV, ACC or PROD, you will need to be in one of the following AD groups:


  1. Install Visual Studio 2015 locally.
  2. Install CRforVS_13_0_20.exe.
  3. Open https://dev.azure.com/DSD-Marine/MSS-Portfolio/_git/MEMS/Code/Source/MSCA_HOST/MSCA_HOST.sln in Visual Studio 2015.

    The reason for VS 2015 specifically is because the Crystal Reports version is the only one that will work with the runtime package deployed in Citri
  4. Ensure MSCA_HOST is your start up project.
  5. Run via F5.