Differenciate Between Test Online Operators And Classroom Candidates

Differenciate Between Test Online Operators And Classroom Candidates

  • Work Process - Purpose
    • To better understand the data model and how the Test Online Operators are processed versus classroom students who require written exams.
  • Work Process - Summary
    • Knowing which tables contain the Test Online Operators versus classroom students.
  • Contribution Of The Client Group To The Work Process
    • This might be required by the clients to validate reporting.
  • Steps Of The Work Process
    • When tests are complete and a person is given a PCOC Card to enable Pleasure Craft operation, they are identified in the following two tables:
      • YC070_PARTY (Parent table)
      • YC096_PERSON (Child table)

    • We call Test Online users "Operators".  Although this term should be used to identify all Pleasure Craft Operators, in our system it is used to identify users taking the course through an Online Course Provider then being directed to our online examination referred to as "Test Online".  Users who go through this process are stored in another table until their test is completed.  This table is often referred by our Client Group as the "temporary table" but it's more like a placeholder for all the Operator's information which is passed to us by the PCOC Web Service in order to obtain a valid exam token. This "operator information" is sent to us by the Course Providers via automated systems and the table in question is - 


      We can now figure out that the difference between an online student and a classroom student is the fact that the online student must exist in the "temporary table" (TM110_PCOCTO_OPERATOR) and the classroom student will only exist in the YC070_PARTY and the YC096_PERSONS tables.