Set Up Maintenance Messages

Set Up Maintenance Messages

  • Work Process - Purpose
    • To inform Clients and anyone using the system that maintenance will occur at a certain date and shut down the system for the indicated time period.
  • Work Process - Summary
    • Run a query which has been created for this adding the correct date and time parameters. 
  • Contribution Of The Client Group To The Work Process
    • The Client Group will send an email to all the Course Providers informing them of the shutdown schedule and only after this has been done, we may update the PRODUCTION database with scheduled maintenance date and time values.
  • Steps Of The Work Process
    • The Client Group will send out an email to the Course Providers and the development team which looks similar to this:

      *********La version française suit l’anglaise**********

      Service Interruption PCOC Database System

      When:  6:00 am Saturday, August 22, 2015 to 1:30 pm Saturday, August 22, 2015 (EST)

      What:  Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Database System, including all Online Testing Services

      Why:  Transport Canada department-wide system maintenance

      Who:  Users will not be able to access the database system during this time.  Also, course providers approved for Online Testing should not request any new authorizations or final results during this period.

      Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


      Interruption du service du système de la base de données des CCEP

      Quand : Entre 6 h 00 samedi, le 22 août, 2015 et 13 h 30 samedi, le 22 août, 2015 (HAE) 

      Quoi : Système de base de données sur la compétence des conducteurs d’embarcation de plaisance, y compris tous les services de tests en ligne

      Pourquoi : La maintenance du système de département de Transports Canada

      Qui : Les usagers ne pourront pas accéder au système de base de données pendant ce temps. Aussi, les fournisseurs de cours approuvés pour les tests en ligne ne devraient pas demander de nouvelles autorisations ou de résultats finaux au cours de cette période.

      Merci de votre collaboration.

      Honey Walsh

      Chief, National Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Program

      Chef, Compétence nationale des conducteurs d'embarcation de plaisance

      Marine Safety/Sécurité maritime

      Transport Canada/Transports Canada

      Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada

      Telephone/Téléphone: 613-990-5898

      Facsimile/Télécopieur: 613-990-1538

      E-mail/Courrier électronique: honey.walsh@tc.gc.ca

    • These values are defined WM001_APPLICATION_PROPERTY table.  For the above message, we will need to run the following query:


      SET APPLICATION_PROPERTY_TXT = '2015-08-22 06:00'




      SET APPLICATION_PROPERTY_TXT = '2015-08-22 13:30'




      SET APPLICATION_PROPERTY_TXT = '2015-08-22 06:00'




      SET APPLICATION_PROPERTY_TXT = '2015-08-22 13:30'


    • Both the PDF Application AND Test Online check this table on application session launch and if the current time falls during the scheduled maintenance time defined above, the sessions will not start and an information message will be displayed to the user telling them the application is down for maintenance.

Note:  There is a message displayed on the Login page with the maintenance outage info prior to the scheduled outage.

Additional info on Confluence here.