ROF: Features

ROF: Features


Overview: Features

Task Dashboard - All users view and search for new and historical TSB Occurrences

TSB Data Tab - All users view record-specific TSB Occurrence data

Location Mapping Tab - Admin map a TSB Occurrence to an RSIG location

Manager Review - Admin or managers indicate if further investigation is required for a TSB Occurrence

Inspection Notification - Admin or assigned RSI send letter to railway and enter information collected

TSB Planned Location - Admin or assigned RSI initiate creation of a planned location in RSIG



  • Authorized to complete Location Mapping, Manager Review, Inspection Notifications and TSB Planned Locations

  • Admins can complete any Inspection Notification or TSB Planned Location without being the assigned RSI


  • Authorized to complete Manager Review

  • Can complete Inspection Notification and TSB Planned Location if they are the assigned RSI


  • Authorized to complete Inspection Notification and TSB Planned Location if they are the assigned RSI

All Tabs: Edit Functionality


Edit Rights

Edit Functionality


Edit Rights

Edit Functionality

Location Mapping


  • Cannot edit after TSB Planned Location is created

Manager Review

Admin, Managers

  • Cannot reopen after Inspection Notification status is set to “In Progress - Letter Sent”, but can reassign RSI

  • Cannot reassign RSI after the TSB Planned Location is created

Inspection Notification

Admin, assigned RSI

  • Cannot edit after TSB Planned Location is created

TSB Planned Location

Admin, assigned RSI

  • Cannot edit after TSB Planned Location has been created

Location Mapping

Authorized users: Admin

  • All unmapped locations must be reviewed and mapped by Admin

  • Locations mapped in the data warehouse (e.g. crossings) do not need to be reviewed by Admin, and are considered mapped when the record is created in ROFs (“Map primary location to RSIG” is disabled, and “Reopen” button visible)

Manager Review

Authorized users: Admin, Managers

  • If questions one and two are “No”, no further action is required

  • If either question one or two are “Yes”, an Inspection Notification (web-app), TSB Planned Location (web-app), and TSB Occurrence Inspection (RSIG) is required

  • RSI can view a manager’s notes about the Occurrence by clicking on the Manager Review tab

  • Unauthorized users will be able to view the Manager Review tab in view-only mode, and will not be able to edit

Inspection Notification

Authorized users: Admin, assigned RSI

Add Railway and Railway Officer

  • Railway dropdown will display the following railways (if applicable) by default:

    • Operator #1

    • Operator #2

    • Subdivision Owner

    • Railways with similar names to operator #1, operator #2 and subdivision owner

  • User can select any Railway listed in the RSIG db

  • Railway Officers available for selection in the dropdown menu are determined by the Railway selection

  • Unauthorized users will be able to view the Inspection Notification tab in view-only mode, and will not be able to edit

Add CCs

  • Add CCs allows user to select a CC from all contacts associated with the Railway Officer

  • Extending this to include all contacts associated with the Railway, or other functionality, will be addressed in a future release

“Validate and Proceed to TSB Planned Location” button - Validation

“Info Received” Status

Can status pass validation?

Required Fields


“Info Received” Status

Can status pass validation?

Required Fields




  • Info Received

  • “Validate and Proceed to Planned Location” button is disabled

  • User must choose a status that can pass validation to proceed

No Receipt


  • Info Received

  • “Validate and Proceed to Planned Location” button is enabled

  • When Inspection Notification is validated, TSB Planned Location tab is visible



  • User cannot validate with “Partial” status, but Info Received pop-up window requires user to enter the following:

    • Received On

    • Via

    • Info Received

  • “Validate and Proceed to Planned Location” button is disabled

  • User must choose a status that can pass validation to proceed



  • Received On

  • Via

  • Info Received

  • RDIMS #

  • “Validate and Proceed to Planned Location” button is enabled

  • When Inspection Notification is validated, TSB Planned Location tab is visible



  • Received On

  • Via

  • Info Received set to “Sufficient”

  • RDIMS#

  • Train #

  • Speed

  • Direction

  • Method of Control

  • On Duty Time

  • Off Duty Time

  • Minimum one locomotive

  • Minimum one railway personnel

  • “Validate and Proceed to Planned Location” button is enabled

  • When Inspection Notification is validated, TSB Planned Location tab is visible

On / Off Duty Time - Functionality

Data Sources

  • TSB Occurrence Date

  • TSB Occurrence Time

  • On Duty Time

  • Off Duty Time


  • On Duty Date - date control

  • On Duty Time - time control

  • Off Duty Date - date control

  • Off Duty Time - time control

  • Total time on duty at the time of incident

  • Total time on duty





On-Duty Time - date control

  • Date picker default is set to “Occurrence Date” year and month (day is not set)

  • Accepts “On Duty Time” date that falls on or before TSB “Occurrence Date”

  • Error message initiated under the input field if date selected is after TSB “Occurrence Date”

On Duty Time - time control

  • Time picker is set to 00 default and uses 24-hour clock

  • Accepts “On Duty Time” time that fall before the TSB “Occurrence Time”

  • Error message initiated under the input field if time selected is after the TSB “Occurrence Time” on the TSB “Occurrence Date”

Off Duty Time - date control

  • Date picker default is set to “Occurrence Date” year and month (day is not set)

  • Accepts “Off Duty Time” date that falls on or after TSB “Occurrence Date”

  • Error message initiated under the input field if date selected is before TSB “Occurrence Date”

  • Values cannot be less than "On Duty Date" & "On Duty Time" if populated

Off Duty Time - time control

  • Time picker is set to 00 default and uses 24-hour clock

  • Accepts “Off Duty Time” time that fall after the TSB “Occurrence Time”

  • Error message initiated under the input field if time selected is before the TSB “Occurrence Time” on the TSB “Occurrence Date”

  • Values cannot be less than "On Duty Date" & "On Duty Time" if populated

Total time on duty at the time of incident

  • Uses 24-hour clock

  • Calculate by subtracting TSB “Occurrence Date” / “Occurrence Time” from the “On Duty Time” - date / time

  • Initiate “Total time on duty at the time of incident” warning message pop-up window if total exceeds 12 hours (12 hours is ok, 12:01 is not ok)

  • Reset to 0:00 if an invalid combination of "On Duty" and "Off Duty" date/time are entered

  • Calculate every time user initially selects or updates the following controls

    • On Duty Time - date

    • On Duty Time - time

    • Off Duty Time - date

    • Off Duty Time - time

Total Time on Duty

  • Uses 24-hour clock

  • [Calculate by subtracting “Off Duty Time “ - date/ time, from the “On Duty Time” - date / time]

  • Initiate “Total Time on Duty” warning message pop-up window if total exceeds 12 hours (12 hours is ok, 12:01 is not ok)

  • Reset to 0:00 if an invalid combination of "On Duty" and "Off Duty" date/time are entered

  • Calculate every time user initially selects or updates the following controls:

    • On Duty Time - date

    • On Duty Time - time

    • Off Duty Time - date

    • Off Duty Time - time


  • Error message for the following should be displayed when “Via” dropdown is set to “Partial” or “Sufficient”, and the “Validate and Proceed to Planned Location” is clicked:

    • On Duty Time - date

    • On Duty Time - time

    • Off Duty Time - date

    • Off Duty Time - time

Task Dashboard

Pending Review

“Pending Review” = All Occurrences that have not been reviewed by a manager

Users will see the following TSB Occurrences based on their default region when “Pending Review” filter is active:


TSB Occurrences


TSB Occurrences


Occurrences in ATL region with the status “Pending Review”


Occurrences in QUE region with the status “Pending Review”


Occurrences in ONT region with the status “Pending Review”


Occurrences in PNR with the status “Pending Review”


Occurrences in PAC region with the status “Pending Review”


Occurrences in all regions with the status “Pending Review”

Admin role will be given the default region NCR, so they can see TSB Occurrences with the status “Pending Review” across all regions.

Assigned to Me

“Assigned to Me” = Displays all TSB Occurrences with an Inspection Notification assigned to the logged-in user with the status “In Progress”. Occurrences remain assigned to the logged-in user until the Inspection Notification, TSB Planned Location, and OPS TSB Occurrence Inspection are complete.

Admin and managers will only view Occurrences in “Assigned to Me” if they are assigned to complete an Inspection Notification.


TSB Occurrences


TSB Occurrences


Occurrences assigned to the logged in user with the status “In Progress”

Assigned to My Region

“Assigned to My Region” = TSB Occurrence has an Inspection notification assigned to an RSI, and the Occurrence Follow-up status is “In Progress”.

Users will see the following TSB Occurrences based on their default region when the “Assigned to My Region” filter is active:


TSB Occurrences


TSB Occurrences


Occurrences in ATL region with an Occurrence Follow-up status of “In Progress”


Occurrences in QUE region with an Occurrence Follow-up status of “In Progress”


Occurrences in ONT region with an Occurrence Follow-up status of “In Progress”


Occurrences in PNR with an Occurrence Follow-up status of “In Progress”


Occurrences in PAC region with an Occurrence Follow-up status of “In Progress”


Occurrences in all regions with an Occurrence Follow-up status of “In Progress”

Admin role will be given the default region NCR, so they can see Occurrence Follow-ups with the status “In Progress” across all regions.

“Due / Past Due”

“Due / Past Due” = TSB Occurrence with a railway information request that is due on the current date or past due, based on the Original Due Date or Extended Due Date. Due date information is contained in the Inspection Notification.

Only Occurrence Follow-ups with a status of “In Progress” will be displayed.

Users will see the following TSB Occurrences based on their default region when the “Due / Past Due” filter is active:


TSB Occurrences


TSB Occurrences


Occurrences in ATL region with a railway information request that is due on the current date or past due, and has the Occurrence Follow-up status “In Progress”


Occurrences in QUE region with a railway information request that is due on the current date or past due, and has the Occurrence Follow-up status “In Progress”


Occurrences in ONT region with a railway information request that is due on the current date or past due, and has the Occurrence Follow-up status “In Progress”


Occurrences in PNR with a railway information request that is due on the current date or past due, and has the Occurrence Follow-up status “In Progress”


Occurrences in PAC region with a railway information request that is due on the current date or past due, and has the Occurrence Follow-up status “In Progress”


Occurrences in all regions with a railway information request that is due on the current date or past due, and has the Occurrence Follow-up status “In Progress”

Search All Records







TSB Occurrence #


Does not work with any other filters. Standalone only.



Approved for MVP:

  • If Province filter is selected first, all regions will display in the dropdown menu

  • As a result, if “Region” and “Province” filters do not have correct region and province combinations, “No Results Found” will be displayed in the task dashboard table after search is initiated

Region filter works with Province, Railway, Occurrence Type, Accident / Incident Type, Status, and date range filters



If Region filter is selected before the Province filter, the region selected in the filter will determine dropdown menu options available in the Province filter.

Province filter works with Province, Railway, Occurrence Type, Accident / Incident Type, Status, and date range filters.



Region and Province filter selections do not affect the dropdown menu options available in the Railway filter. Railways across all regions are available at all times.

Railway filter works with Region, Province, Occurrence Type, Accident / Incident Type, Status, and date range filters.

Occurrence Type


Occurrence Type filter selection does not affect any other filter dropdown menu options.

Occurrence Type filter works with Region, Province, Railway, Accident / Incident Type, Status, and date range filters.

Accident / Incident Type


Accident / Incident Type filter selection does not affect any other filter dropdown menu options.

Accident / Incident Type filter works with Region, Province, Railway, Occurrence Type, Status, and date range filters.



Status filter selection does not affect any other filter dropdown menu options.

Status filter works with Region, Province, Railway, Accident / Incident Type Occurrence Type, and date range filters.

Date Range


Date Range filters do not affect any other filter dropdown menu options.

Date Range filter works with Region, Province, Railway, Accident / Incident Type Occurrence Type, and Status filters.

Audit History

The following audit history will be captured for the MVP:


Audit history


Audit history

Manager Review

  • Manager Review Completed

  • Assigned To {RSI name}

  • Manager Review Re-opened

Inspection Notification

  • Notification Letter Sent

  • Railway Officer Updated

  • Extended Due Date

  • Info Received {Options: No Receipt, Partial, Insufficient, Sufficient}

  • Inspection Notification Completed

TSB Planned Location

  • Saved to RSIG with ID {number}








Manager Review

Pending Review

  • Default status

  • Manager has not completed the Manager Review


In Progress

  • Manager has reopened the Manager Review, and is editing the manager questions



  • Manager has completed the Manager Review, and both questions have been answered

Inspection Notification

Pending Review

  • Default status

  • Inspection Notification letter has not been sent


In Progress - Letter Sent

  • Inspection Notification letter has been sent


In Progress - Letter Received

  • “Received On” date has a value



  • Inspection Notification is validated, and TSB Planned Location tab is visible


No Action Required

  • Both questions in the Manager Review tab are set to “No”

  • Manager has deemed no further follow-up for the TSB Occurrence is necessary, and an RSI is not required to complete an Inspection Notification or TSB Occurrence Inspection

TSB Occurrence Inspection

Not Started

  • Default status

  • TSB Occurrence Inspection is not started


In Progress

  • TSB Planned Location is created, and the Planned Location ID is visible in the tab



  • OPS TSB Occurrence Inspection is marked as complete in RSIG


No Action Required

  • Manager has deemed no further follow-up for the TSB Occurrence is necessary, and an RSI is not required to complete a TSB Occurrence Inspection

Occurrence Follow-up

Pending Review

  • Default status

  • Manager Review is not complete


No Action Required

  • Both questions in the Manager Review tab are set to “No”

  • Manager has deemed no further follow-up for the TSB Occurrence is necessary, and an RSI is not required to complete an Inspection Notification or TSB Occurrence Inspection


In Progress

  • One or both questions in the Manager Review tab are set to “Yes”, and an RSI has been assigned to complete an Inspection Notification

  • Occurrence Follow-up remains in progress until Inspection Notification, TSB Planned Inspection and OPS TSB Occurrence Inspection are complete



  • OPS TSB Occurrence Inspection is marked as complete in RSIG



  • TSB Occurrences with before X that do not require a Manager Review to be completed

TSB Planned Location

For fiscal year we are using TR245_CDM_FISCAL_YEAR where CURRENT_FISCAL_YEAR_IND = 1


Acting Manager Role Assignment (Draft)

The following is preliminary design for acting manager role during vacation, etc. Based on the assumption:


  • Manager could only assign to the RSIs within the region.

  • Manager could assign without ending date.

  • One manager could assign more than one RSI during his absence.

  • Manager still has the right to do Manager Review even with acting manager exists.

  • Manager could update or remove any active assignments at any time.

  • Admin has the same right as manager for assignment technically, and no restriction on region.

Issue need to think about:

-When RSI has both acting manager and RSI roles, what are the previous business rules should be updated?

e.g. Required by Manager dropdown should show both manager and acting manager?

-Where to save data?


With Admin Role

Manager Drop Down                                                  RSI drop down

-Retrieve all users with Manager role                     -Retrieve all users with RSI role

-Required                                                                        -Required

 From Date picker                                                         To Date picker

-Required                                                                        -Not required

-Cannot select date prior than current date.         -Cannot select date prior than From Date

-Can leave blank, then unlimited period

 Assign Button       Cancel Button

 Assignment history datagrid

9 columns

Manager, RSI, From, To, Assigned By, View, Update button, Remove button Comments,


With Manager Role

 Manager Drop Down                                                  RSI drop down

-Required                                                                        -Required  

-Default to Login user with Manager role              -Retrieve all users in the same region as the manager.

 From Date Picker                                                         To Date Picker

-Required                                                                        -Not required

-Cannot select date prior than current date.         -Cannot select date prior than From Date

-Can leave blank, then unlimited period

 Assign Button    Cancel Button

 Assignment history datagrid

9 columns

Manager, RSI, From, To, Assigned By, View, Update button, Remove button Comments,


With RSI Role

If there is/are active acting assignment(s), display the most recent for RSI Region.

      Else message: There is no active acting assignment, and you don’t have authorization.

All the rest disabled


Manager Drop Down                                                  RSI drop down

-disabled                                                                         -disabled

 From Date Picker                                                         To Date Picker

-disabled                                                                         -disabled

 Assign Button    Cancel Button

-disabled             -disabled

Assignment history datagrid

9 columns

Manager, RSI, From, To, Assigned By, View, Update button (-disabled), Remove button(-disabled) Comments,



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