ROF: Sprint Retrospectives
- 1 Sprint 34 - June 26, 2023
- 2 Sprint 33 - June 26, 2023
- 3 Sprint 32 - June 7, 2023
- 4 Sprint 31 - May 24, 2023
- 5 Sprint 30 - May 10, 2023
- 6 Sprint 29 - April 26, 2023
- 7 Sprint 28 - April 12, 2023
- 8 Sprint 27 - March 30, 2023
- 9 Sprint 26 - March 13, 2023
- 10 Sprint 25 - March 1, 2023
- 11 Sprint 24 - February 13, 2023
Sprint 34 - June 26, 2023
Action Item | Team Member | Status | |
1 | Suggest meeting with RSIG team to let us know where they are at, and brainstorm ideas, identify tasks, and discuss timelines. It’s not a business centric-meeting, but a technical meeting. | Maggie | Complete
2 | Write-up a sprint planning agenda:
| Maggie | Not Started |
Sprint 33 - June 26, 2023
Action Item | Team Member | Status | |
1 | Reprioritize testing that we have French translations for all strings | Ashiq, Maggie | Complete
2 | Clean-up and reorganize Confluence development articles | Jugraj | Not Started |
3 | Document process for hot-fixes (fix/test in ACC, then fix/test in QA - same story) | Maggie | Not Started |
4 | Create and share the page for glossary (doesn’t need to have a full list of acronyms) | Ewa | In Progress |
5 | Write a tech investment PBI to clean up the Azure resource groups for DEV | Jugraj | Not Started |
6 | Write-up how release testing will go - anything for 1.2 we test in ACC, anything for 1.3 we test in QA | Maggie | Not Started |
7 | Health check: write (or update existing) story and reprioritize to verify user permissions in any given environment | Ashiq or Jugraj? | Not Started |
8 | Put together a document outlining groups / permissions needed to test ROF (any environment) | Jugraj | Not Started |
9 | Set up a meeting with Will to discuss SonarQube setup (will remove the need for local setup) | Ashiq | Not Started |
10 | ACC testing: be more thorough about testing specific roles (and in FR) | ROF Team | Complete
Sprint 32 - June 7, 2023
Action Item | Team Member | Status | |
1 | Ask Will about the possibility of team being able to block off focused work time | Maggie | Complete
2 | Let Dave know that we will need the RSIG migration plan when it is ready, and a list of tasks the ROF team needs to complete to support the migration, so we can create tickets and plan our work | Maggie | Complete
3 | Add ticket to ROF to account for Jugraj’s time helping RSIG team with RSIG migration to cloud | Jugraj | Complete |
4 | Discuss with RSIG team the creation of a cloud db dedicated to end-to-end Playwright tests | Jugraj | Complete
Sprint 31 - May 24, 2023
Action Item | Team Member | Status | |
1 | Determine sprint goal during sprint planning | Full team | Complete |
2 | Outline steps to refresh RSIG db | Maggie | Not started |
3 | Remove the following columns from sprint task board: database, development, QA ready (I don’t know if we can remove, as we use the status), and testing | Maggie | Complete
Sprint 30 - May 10, 2023
Actionable Item | Team Member | Status | |
1 | Add RSIG DEV environment folder link to Confluence | Maggie | Complete |
2 | Create meeting to discuss how we will proceed with QA testing / prod release going forward | Maggie | Complete
3 | Create bi-weekly release meeting to discuss:
| Maggie | Complete
Question | Decision | |
1 | How do we deal with features that require feedback or work to be completed by other teams before we can develop the feature? | We will create two tickets: Ticket 1: Outlines communication with external team. Once communication is complete, we can close the ticket. Ticket can be brought into the sprint. Effort level should be assigned. Ticket 2: Create ticket outlining work that needs to be completed after communication / work has been completed by external team. We can bring this ticket into a sprint when we are ready to work on it.
Example: Ticket 2: Switch ROF endpoints. |
Sprint 29 - April 26, 2023
Actionable Item | Team Member | Status | |
1 | Talk to Steve and Dave sprint review planning and dry run. Team would like:
| Maggie | Complete
2 | RSIG knowledge transfer session with ROF. Create meeting for Jugraj, Ashiq and Xu to transfer knowledge. Jugraj and Ashiq will come up with specific questions to ask Xu in advance of the meeting. | Ashiq | Complete
3 | Meeting to discuss creating two testable environments - one for current release and one for future release. Invite Jugraj and Ashiq to attend. | Maggie | Complete
4 | Message Norm, and ask if it is possible to have a deployed version of RSIG. | Jugraj | Complete
5 | Provide Maggie & Tarek with the ability to switch roles in ROF. | Jugraj | Complete
6 | Add documentation for security groups as part of the definition of done | Maggie | Complete
7 | Create backlog item to address the following:
Team would like the backlog item to be added to sprint 31 | Jugraj | Complete
Sprint 28 - April 12, 2023
Actionable Item | Team Member | Status | |
1 | Create meeting to discuss testing and cut-off time | Maggie | Complete
2 | Create example PBI with tasks | Grace | Complete, Email sent on Wed 2023-04-12 4:55 PM |
3 | Research how DevOps is used by external teams | Steve | Not Started |
4 | Reach out to Will and ask if he can recommend someone from another team to give us insight into how they use DevOps | Steve | Not Started |
5 | Ask Jeff if he wants to continue to attend the sprint planning meeting | Steve | Not Started |
6 | Define backlog item definition of done | Maggie and team | In Progress
Sprint 27 - March 30, 2023
Actionable Item | Team Member | Status | |
1 | Research MOSCOW and plan a training session | Steve | In Progress |
2 | Discuss with Dave and Maggie if we should have a combined RSIG ROF sprint review | Steve | Complete |
3 | Request additional columns in WLM analytic dashboard | Jugraj | On Hold? |
4 | Review accessibility document and work completed by Francois | Maggie | Not Started |
5 | Introduce planning poker tool tool to team | Ashiq | Complete |
Sprint 26 - March 13, 2023
Possible Action Item | Team Member | Status | |
1 | Investigate ways to improve CI/CD process |
Sprint 25 - March 1, 2023
Possible Actionable Item | Team Member | Status | |
1 | Database documentation |
Sprint 24 - February 13, 2023
Team Member | Actionable Item | Status | |
1 | Jugraj and Maggie | Discuss table directory | Complete