How to complete a TSB Occurrence Inspection in RSIG

How to complete a TSB Occurrence Inspection in RSIG

Step One: ROF

  1. Create a TSB Planned Location

  2. Copy planned location ID number

  3. Open appropriate RSIG app (QA ROF > QA RSIG; ACC ROF > ACC RSIG)

Step Two: RSIG

  1. Click CTRL + F to pop-up “Global Record Find” window

    1. Make sure record type is set to “Operational Record ID”

    2. Copy / paste ROF planned location ID number in “Activity ID”

    3. Click “Retrieve Record”

    4. This should take you to the planned location record

    5. Check to make sure the TSB Occ. # is correct

  2. Go to “Custom Action” in top menu bar:

    1. Select “Add a new Inspection for current Planned Location”

    2. “Add Operations Inspection” should pop-up

  3. On the “Add Operations Inspection” pop-up window:

    1. Enter an “Insp. Start Date” and a “Stop” date

    2. Click “Add visits for selected Planned Location(s)”

    3. “Add Operations Inspection - Visit” window should pop-up

  4. On the “Add Operations Inspection - Visit” screen:

    1. Click “Add Last Selected Plan Location”

    2. You might have to click “Ok” or “Jump” a few times in other pop-up alerts / windows

    3. “Operations Inspection - Logic Check List Results” screen should open

  5. On the “Operations Inspection - Logic Check List Results” screen:

    1. Double-click on the row containing the first logic check “Were the Railway Passenger Handling Safety rules complied with?”

    2. You should be taken to the “Logic Check Detail” tab

  6. On the “Logic Check Detail” tab:

    1. In the “General” tab, for the dropdown menu “Answer:”, select “Yes (Corrective Action is not required)

    2. Click “Save Record” in the top right-hand corner

    3. In the “Warning / Errors” window, click “Ignore”, and then “Complete Update”

    4. You should remain on the “Logic Check Detail” tab

  7. Click on top menu option “Custom Action”:

    1. Select “Letters” > “Add and Send Letter of Inspection result - No Non-compliance or Concern Noted”

    2. “Add Letters and Forms Record” pop-up should open

  8. On the “Add Letters and Forms Record” pop-up:

    1. Go to “Addressee:*” input field

    2. Click “…” button to the far right of the input field

    3. Type in the name of the Railway Officer in “Name” input field

    4. You can select the associated railway or leave “from:” blank

    5. Click “Search”

    6. Double-click on the row containing the Railway Officer’s name

    7. Click “Create Letter”

    8. Word doc letter should pop-up

  9. On the Word doc letter:

    1. “x” out the Word doc (top right-hand corner) to close the letter on the blue banner (you don’t need to enter any info in the letter)

    2. “Close RSIG Word” pop-up should appear

  10. On the “Close RSIG Word” pop-up:

    1. Keep “Save changes in RSIG” radio button selected

    2. In “Other Options”, select “Send: Mark Sent via methods other than Outlook Email”

    3. Note: try not to select “Send” Now via Outlook Email”, as Outlook email takes time to load

    4. Click “Close Word”

    5. “Mark the Letter / Form as officially sent via..” pop-up window should appear

  11. On the “Mark the Letter / Form as officially sent via..” pop-up window:

    1. Select any option from the “Send Via” dropdown menu

    2. Click “Send”

    3. You should be taken to the “Letters and Forms Detail” tab

  12. Go to “Operations Insp. ID: XXXXXXXX” (selection is bolded) at the top of the “Data Window” column in the top left-hand corner

  13. From the “Operations Inspection Detail” tab, go to the “Follow-Up” (middle of screen, you will see a row of tabs):

    1. Type a random word or two in the “If no. why?” input field

    2. Click “Yes” to update record when the pop-up appears

    3. Click “Ignore Now” if any warnings appear in “Warning / Error” pop-up window, and then “Complete Update” button

  14. Go to “Custom Action” on the main menu bar and select “Validate Inspection and Optionally Complete”

  15. “RSIG ACC” (or RSIG QA) pop-up window should appear

    1. Click “Yes”

  16. You should get a pop-up telling you the inspection is marked as “Complete”

Step Three: ROF

  1. Refresh ROF

  2. Find associated TSB occurrence record

  3. TSB Planned location and Occurrence follow-up should be marked as “Completed”



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