Best Practice for ROFS PBI Testing

  1. Open DSD-RAIL-ROFS project in DevOps->click Sprint ->Open the PBI marked as QA Ready and assigned to you.

2. Update State to Testing and Save

3. Read description

  • If there is a screenshot, find its place in the app.

  • If there are related items and should be done prior to this ticket, check the state of related work.

4. Create test case based on Acceptance Criteria ( See , )

5 Save test result

  • If all Acceptance Criteria satisfied, add screenshots as testing result in Discussion with comments e.g. version/environment etc. ->set State as done and Save

  • If not all Acceptance Criteria satisfied, add screenshots of findings as testing result in Discussion with comments ->reset the state as Committed? and Save

Recommended to write down the PBI # and discuss in daily scrum meeting.

6. If any bug found, clarify in Teams first, when confirmed, add bug in DevOps->Add Repro Steps and Acceptance Criteria, leave the rest as default (verify if need adding linked item) → Save