Best Practice for ROFS PBI Testing
Open DSD-RAIL-ROFS project in DevOps->click Sprint ->Open the PBI marked as QA Ready and assigned to you.
2. Update State to Testing and Save
3. Read description
If there is a screenshot, find its place in the app.
If there are related items and should be done prior to this ticket, check the state of related work.
4. Create test case based on Acceptance Criteria ( See QA Testing ,Test Plan & Test Case Example )
5 Save test result
If all Acceptance Criteria satisfied, add screenshots as testing result in Discussion with comments e.g. version/environment etc. ->set State as done and Save
If not all Acceptance Criteria satisfied, add screenshots of findings as testing result in Discussion with comments ->reset the state as Committed? and Save
Recommended to write down the PBI # and discuss in daily scrum meeting.
6. If any bug found, clarify in Teams first, when confirmed, add bug in DevOps->Add Repro Steps and Acceptance Criteria, leave the rest as default (verify if need adding linked item) → Save