Topics for discussion

Topics for discussion


Potential further discussions / steps


  1. review and revise content of the intake form →example mandatory repro steps and acceptance criteria fields.

  2. writing a good issue report / templates / educating the clients on how to write a good bug report, log issues. This is an example of one that was created for the RPAS team:

    Ongoing discussions around best testing practices.
    (TDD = writing failing unit tests, then writing the code to make those tests pass).
    Whole team approach to quality: https://tcmarin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DDMP/pages/2413101059

    1. Techniques how to best test fixes.

    2. Templates?

    3. Pairing → commonly used in agile/scrum to solve issues.


Possible topics for a later date.

  1. guidelines for acceptance criteria / educating the clients on guidelines for acceptance criteria.

  2. agreement on a “Definition of ready”: An example, from RPAS: https://tcmarin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DDMP/pages/2404876328

  3. agreement on a “Definition of done”: https://tcmarin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DDMP/pages/2404679736

  4. the process for dealing with requests arising on short notice.

  5. having the other CIVAV teams on the same page with respect to development process.