CARS Exemption - Exemption RAC

CARS Exemption - Exemption RAC

The system is used to search for exemptions from the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARS).

System Profile

System Full Name

Civil Aviation Regulations Exemptions Database

System Full Name (French)

Exemptions du Règlement de l’aviation canadien

Subject Matter Expert

Chris Boivin



Source Code Location


Migration to DevOps

New Source Code Location(DevOps)

https://dev.azure.com/transport-canada/DSD-CIVAV Support/_git/EXEMPTIONS

Technology Assessment

Platform Type

Web (External)

Database Platform and Version

MS Access

Development Language and Framework


Operating System and Version

Windows Server 2016

Additional Dependencies




Environment Access Information

The PROD database, Dm_Exempt.accdb, can be found at \\tcapps2\wwwdatabases. The version that the clients work on is in \\ncrws499\wwwdatabases\.

System Overview

The Canadian Aviation Regulations Exemptions Database (CARs Exemption) contains information regarding exemptions to the CARs granted to industry stakeholders, and is available on the Intranet and the Internet. This is maintained by the Regulatory Affairs group of Transport Canada.

The app is tested to run on Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 Version 15.9.33, .NET Framework 4.8.03752

Solution: Exemptions.sln

My project folder contains all resource files

To run the application on Dev, map the source code to a local directory and open the solution

Good To Know

Check that these 7 files are inside your local Exemptions source code:

Application.Designer.vb, Application.myapp, Assemblyinfo.vb, Resources.resx, Resoources.Designer.vb, Settings.Designer.vb, Settings.settings

If the above files do not exist, get these files from a team member (who can run the application) and copy them into your local Source/My project

To Test

On Visual Studio Solution: run IIS Express

There should be

-Open the Exemptions Search, type “Air Canada” for Company Name to see whether getting a result. If there is no result, if will display “your search returned 0 result”. If there is any error of display, then we need to fix the database connection

Example of successful database connection



goto Visual Stuido->Solution Explorer, Web.config and find the database connection string

We need to have C:\wwwdatabases\dm_exempt.accdb

With VPN connected, open this on web browser :\\ncrws499\wwwdatabases and

Download the dm_exempt.accdb and copy to the folder C:\wwwdatabases


Run the webpage CARs Exemptions to see if the error of database connection has gone

Go to MSDN Portal https://my.visualstudio.com/Downloads/Featured?mkt=en-us

Search for Access 2007, get the license key for yourself, and download

Run the setup.exe from the download files, provide the license key, the Access 2007 will be installed on your local workstation


Send a message to Marcel Michaud (marcel.michaud@tc.gc.ca). E-mail template:

Good morning/afternoon Marcel,

Can you please post this newly updated database when you have a moment?


You can find the database at \\ncrws499\wwwdatabases\Dm_Exempt.accdb.


Another page exists with information about exemptions related to COVID-19. This page is maintained by WebTeam. To add a new exemption, an e-mail is sent to the WebTeam and they managed the page.

COVID-19 measures, updates, and guidance for aviation issued by Transport Canada


How-To and Fixes

This request has recently been made about every 3 months.

There exists a query in the database that can be run and exported to an Excel file. Access 2007 is required, but clients do not have it so a web interface on our dev server exists for them to use http://catcappsx/saf-sec-sur/2/Exemptions-Admin/.

We would need to have MS Access 2007 . MS Access 2007 can be installed through MSDN Subscription, otherwise we can ask the team leader to provide it

On MS Access 2007 , open Dm_Exempt.accdb in \\ncrws499\wwwdatabases and run the query “GetAllRecords” and then export it to Excel.

Please let the format as default, not choose anything

Email the document to the requestor












The documentation is outdated but has important and essential info