

System Profile

System Full Name

CARAC Notice of Proposed Amendments System

System Full Name (French)

Système des Avis de proposition de modification du Conseil consultatif sur la réglementation aérienne canadienne (Système des APM du CCRAC) - Interne

Subject Matter Expert




Source Code Location

https://dev.azure.com/transport-canada/DSD-CIVAV Support/_git/NPA-APM_Int

Technology Assessment

Platform Type

Web (Internal)

Database Platform and Version


Development Language and Framework

Classic ASP

Operating System and Version

Windows Server 2016

Additional Dependencies




Environment Access Information












New: \\ncrws499\catcappsx\Saf-Sec-Sur\2\NPA-NEW

Old: \\ncrws499\catcappsx\Saf-Sec-Sur\2\NPA-APM














System Overview

The CARAC Activity Reporting System (CARAC NPA Int) contains information on CARAC (Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council) regulatory activities including Preliminary Issue & Consultation Assessment (PICA), and Notice of Proposed Amendments (NPA); and is available only to the Regulatory Affairs employees of Transport Canada Civil Aviation.

IIS: Authentication should be set to Windows not Anonymous.

Good To Know

Admin access to CARAC Admin

In order to run the CARAC Admin web page, we need to be added to the database, administrators. All members of the Civil Aviation maintenance team have been added to CARAC Admin as Administrators on acceptance. [I have added myself to CARAC Admin on dev and prod but want to produce scripts for adding users to CARAC Admin, which I plan to do early next week. - I believe Siamak may already have dev and prod access as well.]

Adding a new user via the CARAC Database application:

CARAC Admin users are managed in the TTSXD18/TTSXA18/TTSXP18 databases corresponding with the target environment.

On dev, acc, and prod, use “NPA_USER”

The information has to be added to both of the following two tables:
USERS and USER_ACCESS. If the information is not added to both tables you will not be able to use the
CARAC Admin app.

The record has to be added to the “USER” table first. To know what USER_ID to assign, sort the USER_ID column descending and use the next number. There is no database sequence that automatically generates the USER_ID value.

Other tables to refer to are USER_TYPE and GROUPS.

The following script is an example of adding Hiren Amin (userid= AMINH) as a new user. Please note that for the users table, the User_Id column should be set to max number plus one (in the following case, that last user_id was 147 so we chose 147+1 = 148). For the user_access table, you need to add 3 records with group_id = 1 for the first record, group_id = 2 for the second record, group_id = 3 for the third record:


Insert into users (user_id, User_name, Firstname, lastname, designator)
values(148, 'AMINH', 'Hiren', 'Amin', 'AFCCC');

Insert Into User_access (user_type_id, user_id, group_id)
Values(1, 148, 1);

Insert Into User_access (user_type_id, user_id, group_id)
Values(1, 148, 2);

Insert Into User_access (user_type_id, user_id, group_id)
Values(1, 148, 3);

Files for testing attachment types:

see Files for testing attachment types

How-To and Fixes

  1. Copy aspSmartUpload.dll and aspSmartUploadUtil.dll (available from aspSmartUpload.dll usage ) to C:\Windows\SysWOW64

  2. After copying and pasting the DLL files (step 1)

    1. open a cmd window (run as administrator)

    2. cd \Windows\SysWOW64

    3. From the C:\Windows\SysWOW64> directory run the command regsvr32 aspsmartupload.dll

      If it succeeded you will see:


    4. https://tcmarin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MAR/pages/2399600703

The following steps are required to go through:

1-      Please go to IIS, select NPA-APM, in the right panel, click on ASP (following screenshot) and set the setting highlighted in yellow the values in the below screenshot, make sure, you save your changes:

2-      Select “Configuration Editor” from the right panel, select “system.webServer/serverRuntime” from the dropdown in section, and also make sure the “From” dropdown (below screehsnot) is set to the same accordingly, then set the yellow highlighted value to the value in the below screenshot, make sure, you save your changes:

3-      Under “Configuration Editor”, select “system.webServer/security/requestFiltering”  from the section dropdown, also in From dropdown (below screenshot), select the first option (web.config) and set the yellow highlighted value according to the below screenshot, make sure to save your changes.

4-      Restart APP Pool for NPA-APM.

In order to access NPA's Final version section on external website, Inform User, has to make sure that all required steps has been followed and completed in NPA Internal website.

In order to access CARs Publication section, user has to publish the NPA details and set the external display status to CAR publications for stakeholders to be able to access all the documents pertaining to that specific NPA in NPA Internal website.