NDWL-Emailer - LWND-Emailer

NDWL-Emailer - LWND-Emailer

System Profile

System Full Name

NAPA Delegate Web Link - Emailer

System Full Name (French)

Système national d'approbation de produits aéronautiques (SNAPA) - Lien Web du délégué (LWND) - EMailer

Business Administrator

Greg Oucharek

Business Owner

John Deruchie


Philippe Ngassam

Subject Matter Expert (Maintenance Team)

Christopher Collins


National Aircraft Certification



Source Location


Source Code Location


Migration to DevOps

New Source Code Location (DevOps)

NDWL_Emailer_Application-POWERBUILDER - Repos (azure.com)

Technology Assessment

Platform Type


Database Platform and Version


Development Language and Framework

PowerBuilder 2021

Operating System and Version

Windows Server 2016

Additional Dependencies




Environment Access Information




































System Overview

THE NDWL Emailer generates the MS Word documents for the delegates, emails it to them and then they can upload them back into the system. Once a project is approved and issued, it converts the MS Word files to .PDF and it is viewable in NICO.

The NDWL emailer application was created because when NDWL was built in 2004, this was the only way that documents could be generated for the application/delegates as classic ASP did not support this type of functionality. I'm sure there are better ways to do this but the time to analyze and investigate was never done.


The main uses for the NDWL Emailer

1. Delegate User control/Access

A. When a user is created an email is sent to external delegate with instructions (possibly a NDWL user guide) and a link to the NDWL application (also password).

B. When a user has password reset they are sent an email.

2. Client Notification.

A. When an external Delegate creates a project the TC person OPI and Back up OPI are notified

B. When the delegates request approval or approve, Request Issue or Issue the certificate the TC person OPI and Back up OPI are notified

C Notify Select users that the emailers are running every day at 3:05

3. Document Merging/Creating

A. Delegates cannot create/merge the documents themselves through NDWL. They request a certificate and the emailer

. Writes the temporary files, Downloads the template from the database, merges the files.

. Sends a copy of the certificate to the delegates and updates the database with the blob.

. Deletes the local temporary files.

4. When a project is Approved and Issued (In NDWL or NAPA). In addition to the document creation above.

The Emailer also saves the word document as a PDF to the database.

This PDF Data is then Viewable in NICO (Only Issued projects are in NICO).

5 Notify SCRAM that a project has been completed/issued.

P.S. All of the requests above are stored in the table NAPA_WEB_ACTIONS

Good To Know

The NDWL Emailer opens an MS Word document containing a Type Certificate.

After, MS Word saves the Type Certificate as a PDF version, (instead of printing to the PDF Creator which is no longer required).

Then the NDWL Emailer uploads the PDF document to the database.

The PDF versions of the Type Certificates can be viewed in the NICO application (external website).

How-To and Fixes

<Sub-sections should describe how to address known support request, including any scripts, instructions / steps, etc… >


RDIMS # or Link


RDIMS # or Link

NDWL Emailer Application Workflow




NDWL Emailer Servers Location

The NDWL Emailers (three servers) are located in the secure cabinet (can only be accessed by someone knowing the combination) at the TC office on the 11th Floor, Enterprise Building at 427 Laurier Avenue.

There are three servers:

  • Production (NCRWKIT102446)

  • Production (NCRWKIT102448)

  • Development (NCRWKIT102447)