Originally from: (e-licensing)/_wiki/wikis/REEF-(e-licensing).wiki/6016/VC-Examples
These examples have been created to help understand issues, verify and revoke credentials and they will be available only in DEV.
Note1: These examples are works in progress and it is not 100% without bugs.
Note2: It is working only with Microsoft Authenticator App
Download the Authenticator App to try it out.
Issuing a credential
Description | URL |
Repository | (e-licensing)/_git/EPL-LEP-Issuer-Example |
Pipeline | (e-licensing)/_build?definitionId=1700 |
App Service (Azure) | |
Dev link |
Verifying a credential
Description | URL |
Repository | (e-licensing)/_git/EPL-LEP-Employer-Example |
Pipeline | (e-licensing)/_build?definitionId=1688 |
App Service (Azure) | |
Dev link |
VC PostMan Example
These examples have been created to help understand issues, verify and revoke credentials and it will be available only in DEV.
VerifiedID Admin API User delegate.postman_collection.json
VerifiedID Request Admin API Application Token.postman_collection.json
VerifiedID Request API.postman_collection.json
for instruction please refer to:
active-directory-verifiable-credentials/Postman at main · Azure-Samples/active-directory-verifiable-credentials
Key Vault secrets replication
To download and upload secrets from and to an Azure Key Vault, follow these steps:
Log into Azure and browse to Azure Cloud Shell, then choose the PowerShell option.
Download secrets from the Key Vault using the
script. Replacencasafsecsurkv01
with the name of your Azure Key Vault:
Run the following script:
.\download_keyvault_secrets_with_values.ps1 -KeyVaultName "ncasafsecsurkv01"
The script will create a JSON file named
containing the downloaded secrets. Ensure that you modify the contents to your needs.Upload the secrets from the JSON file to the Key Vault using the
script. Replacencasafsecsurkv01
with the name of your Azure Key Vault:
Run the following script:
.\upload_secrets_to_keyvault.ps1 -KeyVaultName "ncasafsecsurkv01" -SecretsFile "secrets_with_values.json"
These instructions will help you download and upload secrets to your Azure Key Vault using the provided PowerShell scripts.
Please note attached scripts
VerifiedCredentials Project instructions
Please be advised of the following instructions for running the VerifiedCredentials Project in development mode:
Please clone the VerifiedCredentials project from the following link: (e-licensing)/_git/EPL-LEP?version=GBVerifiedCredentials.
Next, include the following configuration to the secrets.json file: Right-click on the VerifiedCredential project in Visual Studio and select 'Manage User Secrets'. Then, enter the following information:
"VerifiedIDSettings": {
"Endpoint": " ",
"VCServiceScope": "3db474b9-6a0c-4840-96ac-1fceb342124f/.default",
"Instance": "{0} ",
"TenantId": "override",
"ClientId": "override",
"ClientSecret": "override",
"CertificateName": "[MAKE EMPTY WHEN NOT USED Or instead of client secret: Enter here the name of a certificate (from the user cert store) as registered with your application]",
"IssuerAuthority": "",
"VerifierAuthority": "",
"CredentialManifest": " "
Launch the application using the 'VerifiableCredentials' launch setting.
Ensure that the Cisco VPN client is in disconnected mode.
download and run ngrok , you can download ngrok from ngrok | API Gateway, Kubernetes Networking + Secure Tunnels
type the following in ngrok command line screen: ngrok http https://localhost:7135/
copy and browse Forwarding link from ngrok command window: example