Working with Azure Storage
Looking to a future where our maintenance scripts are run from the cloud, it will be required to work with Azure Storage. A few possible use cases:
Assuming no pipe from CLOUD back to TC, a client with an app in TC exports their data on a regular basis and loads that data into Azure Storage.
A client with an app running in Azure exports their data directly to azure storage.
The TC data lake is a form of data storage
A client would like has none-spatial static documents that they would like to attach to each spatial feature (eg. ACAP projects)
Reading from a BLOB
If the owner of the storage account provides us with a Shared Access Signature (SAS), then we can reference the blob as a URL like any other online resource.
Writing to a BLOB
Using the azure-storage module for python we have full control over reading, writing, and deleting content from all forms of Azure Storage. GitHub - Azure-Samples/azure-sdk-for-python-storage-blob-upload-download: How to upload and download blobs from Azure Blob Storage with Python
import datetime
from import BlockBlobService, PublicAccess
# Fill folder with PDFs a la current ACAP discussion
print("\nTry loading a folder of ACAP PDFs")
acap_path = "C:\\Users\\someone\\Downloads\\ACAP_Projects"
tooOld = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)
for files in os.listdir(acap_path):
print("\tuploading " + files)
except Exception as e:
print("\t\t still fresh? " + files)
Managing credentials
When run from an Azure Function context, a service principal can define access to resources. With that we can also read key vaults to find secrets (keys, SAS) to get access to storage held by our clients.
You can emulate Azure Storage on your workstation. This is allows you to work offline, and to avoid repeated transfer costs while figuring things out.