Control Publishing

Control Publishing


It is assumed that the EGIS team will act as gatekeepers on data shared with the public. This will ensure standards are met with regard to quality of data, metadata, and any related conventions. This page will detail what options are available to facilitate this goal, and suggest an initial process for publishing.

Technical Considerations

User permissions define a users ability to create and share content. Permissions can be granted to allow a user to share with groups, portal users, or the pubic.


The EGIS team will configure our roles to ensure that only users with Administrator privileges, or a custom gatekeeper role, can publish to the public.


There are no technical limitations to restricting the EGIS user base from publishing to the public. However, facilitating those users to easily make their data available requires some thought. A process needs to be developed so that users understand what's required before data can be made public, and so that the data publishers on the EGIS team can find, evaluate, and publish candidate user data.

Our standards, once defined, can be published as content on Portal and linked from the front page.

There are options as to how data is submitted for publishing. To Discuss

Option 1: Create a group called "Staged For Publishing" where users can share the data they would like made public. The data publishers can monitor (or automated monitoring can be implemented) for new content in this group, then evaluate and publish as required. Published data would be removed from this group.

Option 2: A group mailbox could be created where users can send a link to submit their data.

But, what about open by default?

Option 3: The data publishers on the EGIS team could monitor all new content, and initiate the publishing process in collaboration with the data author.


  • Create data standards for publishing public data


Backlog item: 201 Figure out how to control publishing process (approval)

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