Commercial Broadcasting Station
Commercial Broadcasting Station (also called private broadcasting) is the broadcasting of television programs and radio programming by privately owned corporate media, as opposed to state sponsorship.
Nav Canada
Use Cases
A process to parse the information from NavCan Canada Flight Supplement (CFS) publication is required to extract the PDF data and transform it into GIS compatible format is required.
Process for EGIS integration
CBS Data Extraction:
Export CBS pages in CFS to XML 1.0.
In FME, read XML data as Text and parse each line to extract the following attributes:
. Province / Territory
. Location
. Call Sign
. Frequency
. Power
. Latitude
. LongitudeTransform the Lat/Long to point.
Output to KML, SHP or GDB as required
Import into EGIS
TC Smart Maps:
Not all GIS applications can consume KML file directly due to its unique data structures such as networklinks, folders, models etc.
Please contact Lawrence Chong, Digital Services Directorate for TC Smart Maps KML dataset and format translation.
TC Smart Maps KML link: \\tcgis\GISData\Google Mashup\Aerodrome\CBS\Aerodrome-CBS.kmz
Schema transformation: As required.
Denormalization: Not required.
Value coding: Not required.
Attribute renaming: As required to improve readability.
Attribute removal: Not required.
Geoenrichment: Feature symbolization is recommended to improve visualization.
Format translation: Not required.
Language translation: French version not available.
Update frequency: As identified.