Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Report System (CADORS) is a Canadian national Air Traffic Services (ATS) safety data reporting system which collects information about operational occurrences within the Canadian National Civil Air Transportation System. It is used to assist the early identification of potential aviation hazards and system deficiencies.
CADORS reports are collected from a number of sources. It captures a wide scope of safety related events including:
ATC operating irregularities
Communication, navigation, surveillance, and other air traffic systems failures
Controlled airspace violations
Transport Canada
Use Cases
Description | Source | Format | Date | Update Frequency | Metadata | Cost | Link | Remarks |
CADORS | CSV | Current | Daily | N/A | Free | Transport Canada | Non-spatial data |
Incident locations can comprise of airports, distance with direction, places, airways intersections, fixes, navaids, lat/long in multiple formats etc.
Gecoding requires interpreting and parsing incident location into something meaningful. It is complex and time consuming. Manual validation required to ensure completeness.
Interpreted/interpolated position is only approximate.
Process for EGIS integration
Geocoding Incident Locations:
Step 1 - Download Data
Query the CADORS data by defining the Date Range (keep everything as default), then select Search.
Next, select Go to Download Page, click Select All in Occurrence Information (uncheck Event). Select Download.
Repeat for each set of data in "Red".
Step 2 - Location Interpretation and Parsing
In FME, import Occurrence Information CSV file. Categorize Occurrence Location by interpreting its content as follows:
. Airport
. NavAids
. Fixes / Intersections
. Airways
. Latitude / Longitude
. Flight Information Centre (FIC)
. Airspace Zones / Regions
. Populated Places
. Geographical Names
. UnknownParse location information and store as new attribute.
Verify and edit the output, repeat the process if necessary.
Step 3 - Geocoding
In FME, fanout location categories and join with corresponding in-house Geocoding Database to extract Lat/Long values.
Geocode Geographical Places using Google, Bing or ESRI Geocoding Services and extract Lat/Long values.
Extract Lat/Long into separate strings.
Resolve unknown locations.
Output to CSV file.
CSV File:
CSV can be integrated directly into ArcMap and ArcGIS.
In FME, transform Lat/Long to point.
Join all files downloaed using OccNo as primary key.
Output to KML, SHP or GDB as required
Import into EGIS
Display Optimization:
Sampled/thinned data (generated using data sampling technique) are displayed at small scale. With scale transition, original data are displayed at large scale thus improve display performance reduce cluttering.
TC Smart Maps:
Not all GIS applications can consume KML file directly due to its unique data structures such as networklinks, folders, models etc.
Please contact Lawrence Chong, Digital Services Directorate for TC Smart Maps KML dataset and format nslation.
TC Smart Maps KML link: \\tcgis\GISData\Google Mashup\Aerodrome\CADORS\CADORS.kmz
Schema transformation: As required
Denormalization: Not required
Value coding: Not required
Attribute renaming: As required to improve readability
Attribute removal: It is highly recommended as some fields are unnecessary, this will also reduce file size and improve performance
Geoenrichment: Feature symbolization is recommended to improve visualization
-Symbolize by aggregating numbers of incidents grouped by Lat/Long to enhance visualization.
-Symbolize by Incident Category/GroupFormat translation: Not required
Language translation: French version available
Update frequency: As identified