ROFS/RSIG User Email Setup Details
ROFS/RSIG User Email Setup Details
Due to the difference in authentication methods, and the need to retrieve RSIG user details in ROFS, we are matching the email from Azure AD in ROFS to the user’s email stored in TR157_GEN_INDIV_EMAIL_ADDRESS in the RSIG db. One challenge that we face is in RSIG DEV/QA TR157_GEN_INDIV_EMAIL_ADDRESS has every user’s email set to “RSIG-PISF@tc.gc.ca” for testing, meaning we cannot use that to retrieve the users settings.
Instead for DEV/QA we have to use the following table:
This is the table used to hold the users real email address. When a user is added to RSIG DEV/QA they must also be added to this table.
This is also reflected in the ROFS code, in RSIGReader.cs :
internal readonly string emailTable = envVariable.Equals("QA") || envVariable.Equals("Development") ? "TR157_GEN_INDIV_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ROFS_ROFS" : "TR157_GEN_INDIV_EMAIL_ADDRESS";
, multiple selections available,