How to set up eMER locally for first-time use

How to set up eMER locally for first-time use

Step One - Set Up Packages

eMER by default will need either one or two packages added to it in order to compile properly.

The first is the TCMailer package https://tcmarin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MAR/pages/268238916/How-to+Install+TC+Mailer+3.0+on+Your+Machine?preview=%2F268238916%2F268140762%2FTCMailer3.0Installer.msi:

  1. Right click on References and click “Add Reference…”

  2. Click on Browse and go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Transport Canada\TC Mailer 3.0, select the TC Mailer 3.0 dll and add it and click okay

The second is connecting Visual Studio to the TC Nuget in order to access TCVirusScanClient package. If the only error you were receiving when initially building was missing TC Mailer, then you can skip this step.

  1. Go to Tools>Options

  2. Go to NuGet Package Manager > Package Sources and add http://nuget.tc.gc.ca/nuget as a source and name it TC Nuget

Now with the packages setup, rebuild the solution and try to run it.

If you receive the following error, then follow the directions below:

  1. Go to Tools > Options

  2. Go to Projects and Solutions > Web Projects, and uncheck the option listed as “Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects,” and click okay.

You should now be able to run eMER


If there are any issues with layout, please follow one of the following pages to install StreamTagFilter and CLFPagePlugin
