Accounts that are managed in CAMIS (Transferred to Wiki)

Accounts that are managed in CAMIS (Transferred to Wiki)

Accounts managed in CAMIS:

There are three types of accounts that are managed VIA the Admin section of the left-hand menu in CAMIS:

  1. CAME* (for logging into eMER)

  2. CAME Associate* (for logging into eMER)

  3. CAME User* (for logging into CAMIS)

    * Note: “Admin in the menu (CAME Admin, CAME Associate Admin and User Admin)
    refers to that the associated screens are used for “administering” the related types of user accounts.


  • Account for logging into the CAMIS application.

  • CAMIS User account are added / administered via the User Admin menu item.

  • Note: something that I’ve noticed is that when the CAMIS User accounts are created via CAMIS, the LAST_NAME_NM and FIRST_NAME_NM are NULL by default -> If we update those records manually in the database, to have values, those values will be overwritten the next time a change is made to the same account in CAMIS (wanted to recheck this, have not had a chance yet (as of Oct 6, 2023).

For the majority of users logging into CAMIS the roles are defined in the “Role section of the profile and nothing further needs to be done.

  • There are no corresponding records in the 2FA database for regular CAMIS Users.

  • These users CANNOT update CAME or CAME Admin accounts.

  • Administrative (2FA) privileges are manually added to some CAMIS User accounts on, a limited basis for users, such as developers and the business, authorized to:

    • add/update/maintain CAME/CAME Associate accounts

  • Create 2FA admin account for CAMIS (Transferred to Wiki)

  • The main 2FA tables are:

    • Main table for managing user accounts for accessing CAMIS and eMER.

      • Accounts with access to CAMIS are identified by STAKEHOLDER_TYPE_CD = 1

      • Accounts with access to eMER are identified by STAKEHOLDER_TYPE_CD = 2

    • In some cases, if a user has access to CAMIS and eMER they will have two records in AC040_STAKEHOLDER:

      • One for their CAMIS User account (STAKEHOLDER_TYPE_CD = 1)

      • The other for their eMER account STAKEHOLDER_TYPE_CD = 2).

        Example (from development databases):

    • In order for the account to work properly the following has to be TRUE:
      is identical to

  • The update has to be performed manually.
    Once a value is set for TWOFA.AC040_STAKEHOLDER.GLOBAL_USERID_LBL and / or CAMIS.AA008_APPLICATION_USER.TWOFA_USERID_LBL the value(s) can only be changed by temporarily disabling the trigger, making the change(s) and then re-enabling the trigger.

    • developers are permitted to disable/re-enable the trigger on development. On acceptance and production this can only be done by a corporate DBA. In a case where we needed this done on acceptance for CAMIS and 2FAa, after a refresh, the dev team provided the script to the DBAs.

      Example: TWOFA.AC040_STAKEHOLDER.GLOBAL_USERID_LBL and CAMIS.AA008_APPLICATION_USER.TWOFA_USERID_LBL are identical in the images below.





  • Per the table name, AC043_INTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER contains ONE manually created record with the same STAKEHOLDER_ID as in AC040_STAKEHOLDER

  • There should NOT be any records corresponding with


Example (from development databases):

Parent record with STAKEHOLDER_TYPE _CD =1 in AC040_STAKEHOLDER:

Corresponding record in AC043_INTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER



  • Per the table name, AC044_EXTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER contains ONE record, which is automatically generated by CAMIS once the “eMER profile” section of a CAME or CAME Associate account is completed. with the same STAKEHOLDER_ID as in AC040_STAKEHOLDER

  • There should NOT be any records corresponding with AC040.STAKEHOLDER.STAKEHOLDER_TYPE_CD = 1


Parent record with STAKEHOLDER_TYPE _CD =2 in AC040_STAKEHOLDER:

Corresponding record in CAMIS - AA008_APPLICATION_USER


  • Manages account access to CAMIS and eMER.

  • CAMIS User records, are manually added per Create 2FA admin account for CAMIS (Transferred to Wiki)

  • They have the STAKEHOLDER_ID as the records in AC040_STAKEHOLDER and AC043_INTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER.

  • The CAME and CAME Associate records (eMER access) are automatically created.

  • They have the same STAKEHOLDER_ID as the records in AC040_STAKEHOLDER and AC044_EXTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER.

CAME account

  • CAME = Civil Aviation Medical Examiner (doctors).

  • For access to eMER.

  • These accounts can only be updated by a user with a CAMIS account with 2FA privileges.

    • a the CAMIS account without 2FA administrative will not be able to activate or regenerate activation codes for eMER accounts.

  • CAME accounts are created in CAMIS via the CAME Admin menu item (under Admin)

    • In development and acceptance these accounts are created by a developer.

    • in prod the accounts have to be created by a business client with a CAMIS account having 2FA privileges.

    • Developer accounts cannot appear in the existing CAME drop-down. We have a process for adding developer accounts that are able to login to eMER on Prod for read-only purposes. These accounts are not currently able to add data to eMER as there are no corresponding records in the CAMIS database..


CAME Associate account

  • For access to eMER.

  • CAME Associates are generally nurses/admin staff within a CAME's office, who do some data entry on behalf of the CAME (doctor).  

    • Pre-requisite: need to know the STAMP number that the CAME Associate account is being linked to as CAME Associate accounts are linked to CAME accounts.

  • These accounts can only be updated/reset by a user with a CAMIS account with 2FA privileges.

    • a the CAMIS account without 2FA administrative will not be able to activate or regenerate activation codes for eMER accounts.

  • CAME accounts are in CAMIS via the CAME Associate Admin menu item (under Admin)

    • In development and acceptance these accounts are created by a developer.

    • in prod the accounts have to be created by a business client with a CAMIS account having 2FA privileges.

    • Developer accounts cannot appear in the existing CAME Associate drop-down. We do not have a process for adding developer CAME Associate accounts on prod.



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