About Electronic Personnel Licences (EPLs) 

About Electronic Personnel Licences (EPLs) 


Doc file

On this page 

What is an EPL? 

  • Why an EPL? 

  • What is the impact on the Aviation Document Booklet (EPL)? 

  • Licence and permit eligibility 

  • How do I get an EPL 

What if my licence or medical certificate changes? 

  • How long does it take to process changes? 

  • What about pilot proficiency checks? 

  • My photo is expiring, what do I do? 

Using an EPL 

  • Viewing licence and permit information 

  • How can I keep an organization up-to-date with my EPL? 

  • How do I share my EPL information with an individual? 

  • How is my privacy protected? 

What is an EPL? 

An EPL is a digital version of a Canadian aviation licence or permit that is downloaded to a mobile app. If you hold several licences and permits then you will also hold several EPLs, one for each licence and permit you hold. 

The EPL incorporates both a specific licence and a medical certificate. Thus, an EPL includes medical validity information and a medical certificate does not need to be carried separately. 

EPLs are based on international standards developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Standards Organization (ISO). Use of these standards ensure EPLs are secure and interoperable domestically and throughout the world. 

Why an EPL? 

Digital licences and permits bring significant benefits to the aviation industry eco-system. 

EPL holder benefits: 

  • Eliminates wait time to receive licence stickers in the mail 

  • Convenient to carry and access on a mobile device that most people carry every day 

  • Compliant with International Civil Aviation Organization guidelines 

  • Quick and secure verification with domestic and international regulators? 

Industry benefits: 

  • Digital licences can be easily validated, enhancing regulatory compliance 

  • Cost effectiveness of maintaining digital pilot records 

Regulator benefits: 

  • Eliminates costs associated with paper process and production of paper documentation 

  • Real-time access to licence status saves time and enhances enforcement  

What is the impact on the Aviation Document Booklet (ADB)? 

The ADB is being phased out and replaced by Electronic Personnel Licences and Permits. Once you have downloaded an EPL we will no longer mail you new stickers when your licence changes. 

Once you possess an EPL for each of your licences and permits you no longer need to carry an ADB. 

Licence and permit eligibility 

You are eligible to download an EPL if you hold any of the following licence types: 

  • Airline Transport Pilot Licence - Aeroplane (ATPL-A) 

  • Airline Transport Pilot Licence - Helicopter (ATPL-H) 

  • Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane (CPL-A) 

  • Commercial Pilot Licence - Helicopter (CPL-H) 

  • Air Traffic Controller (ATC) 

If you hold multiple licence types, then you will download an EPL for each licence. 

We will update the eligibility list as we add EPL support for more licences and permits. 

How do I get an EPL? 

Use the EPL download service to download an EPL. The service requires a myTC account and a compatible mobile app.  

myTC account 

Use an existing myTC account if you already have one. If you do not have a myTC account you will create your account as part of your first sign-in to the EPL download service. 

Compatible mobile apps 

EPLs must be downloaded to a mobile app that meets specific technical and security requirements. Currently the only compatible mobile app is [app name]. 

[App name] can be downloaded from: 

  • The iOS App Store 

  • The Google Play Store 

What if my licence or medical certificate changes? 

Once an EPL is downloaded to a mobile device it cannot be changed, so changes will require you to download a new EPL. 

The following circumstances require you to download a new version of your EPL: 

  • changes to your licence, such as a new rating 

  • changes to your medical certificate, such as the addition/removal of medical restrictions 

  • a medical certificate renewal, for example, when you renew your category 1 medical certificate, you must download a new EPL for any licences validated by the renewed medical certificate 

  • expiry of your photo 

  • changes to the personal information on your licence, such as your name, citizenship, or language proficiency 

It is your responsibility to keep your EPL current by ensuring you have downloaded the latest version of your EPL from the EPL download service. 

How long does it take to process changes? 

Once an authorized person has submitted licence or medical certificate changes into the system, it can take up to 2-3 business days for a new EPL to be available for download. 

We will notify you via email when a new version of your EPL is ready to download. You should ensure we have an up-to-date email address on file for you. 

Where are pilot proficiency checks documented? 


My photo is expiring. What do I do? 


Using an EPL 

It is important to understand: 

  • how to access your EPL to view your licence and medical information 

  • how you can keep an organization up-to-date with your EPL 

  • how to electronically share your EPL 

How can I view the details of my EPL? 

Licence and medical information associated with an EPL is viewed in the mobile app that stores your EPL. Typically, these apps present a list of credentials that have been added to the app. Tapping on the EPL you added to the mobile app should bring up the EPL details. 

For additional help consult your mobile app help documentation. 

How can I keep an organization up-do-date with the status of my EPL? 

The digital aviation document download service provides the capability to share your EPL with any organization you choose. When changes occur, organizations added to your account will automatically be provided with a new version of your licence or medical certificate. 

You can add and remove organizations through the service any time. 

How do I share my EPL information in person? 

When an individual requests your EPL information, there are two ways to share your EPL: an electronic and manual method. Both methods work without an internet connection. 

Electronic method 

The electronic sharing process works as follows: 

  1. the verifier requests the EPL holder use their mobile device to present an EPL bar code 

  1. the EPL holder opens the mobile app that contains their EPL and accesses the EPL bar code screen in the app 

  1. the EPL holder presents the EPL bar code to the verifier 

  1. the verifier scans the bar code with a verifier app 

  1. the holder is prompted for consent to share their EPL information with the verifier 

  1. once the holder provides consent, the verifier and holder app set up a secure Bluetooth connection and the EPL is sent from the holder’s app to the verifier’s app 

  1. the EPL is electronically validated and presented on the verifier app 

The electronic sharing method depends on a device-to-device ‘Bluetooth’ connection. The electronic sharing method will only work if ‘Airplane mode’ is off and ‘Bluetooth’ is enabled on your mobile device. 

Manual method 

The manual method is equivalent to showing a paper document and does not electronically validate the EPL. 

The manual sharing process works as follows: 

  1. the verifier requests the EPL holder to present their EPL 

  1. the EPL holder opens the mobile app that contains their EPL and goes to the EPL information screen 

  1. the EPL holder presents the EPL information screen to the verifier 

  1. the verifier reviews the information as required 

How is my privacy protected? 

Transport Canada (TC) is committed to protecting the privacy rights of individuals and safeguarding the personal information under its control. Personal information collected by TC is protected from disclosure to unauthorized persons and/or agencies subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act. This information is used to administer the Canadian civil aviation flight crew and air traffic controller licensing program or activity and determine eligibility for the flight crew licenses and air traffic controller permits and licenses. The information is required by the Department for the issuance of Canadian Aviation Documents (licences and permits) to persons who pilot and control aircraft and will be used to validate, monitor and control the information pertaining to those documents.

The personal information is collected pursuant to Section 4.9 of the Aeronautics Act and Part IV of the Canadian Aviation Regulations - Personnel Licensing and Training - Subpart 1 - Flight Crew Permits, Licenses and Ratings. Personal information will be protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act (PIB TC PPU 005). Your personal information may be used or disclosed for law enforcement and safety. Name, address and license status may also be shared with other Civil Aviation Authorities as part of TC's international commitments under the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). By providing your personal information, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this statement and consent to the Department's collection, use and disclosure of your personal information. 


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