Electronic Personnel Licensing Initiative (EPLI) (aka E-Licensing, Digital Electronic Personnel License)
Initiative de Licences électroniques du personnel. (LIEP)
1. CONFLUENCE http://tinyurl.com/EPLI-CONFLUENCE
2. SHAREPOINT http://tinyurl.com/EPLI-SHAREPOINT
3. DEVOPS BOARD http://tinyurl.com/EPLI-DEVOPS
4. EPLI-DEV http://tinyurl.com/EPLI-DEV
5. EPLI-ACC http://tinyurl.com/EPLI-ACC
6. EPLI-PROD http://tinyurl.com/EPLI-PROD
System Overview
A Digital based application for issuance and verification of Canadian aviation licenses.
The purpose of this project is to develop a Canadian Pilot/Air Traffic Controller e-licencing application and conduct an experiment using a prototype to better understand whether e-licenses can help address some of the issues that exist with paper licenses while continuing to meet the licensing regulations and policy objectives.
1. Project Overview
2. EPL_presentation.pptx
3. About Electronic Personnel Licensing (EPL)
4. Video presentation
5. Aviation Document Booklet Sample 1
6. Aviation Document Booklet Sample 2
Current paper-based license documents are expensive and time consuming to produce. Currently, nearly 30% of labels are issued between six to nine months beyond the existing three-month service standard due to delays in production of physical documents. Also, TC estimates that the cost associated with the production and distribution of physical ADB (AVIATION DOCUMENT BOOKLET) and labels amounts to about $250,000 per year. In addition to these annual costs, every sixth year an additional $350K investment is required to replace production equipment. In addition, industry has expressed concern that the current paper based ADB imposes the creation of internal business processes that are intensive and costly to manage and that it is difficult to ensure that they always possess the most current license holder data.
These issues have the following impacts:
Industry and flight staff have reported to have been negatively affected by delays in ADB and label issuance as it prevents flight staff from conducting their functions, disrupting business planning and schedules for air operators. It was also reported that these delays also hinder the ability of affected flight staff to obtain and retain employment.
The high cost associated with the production of paper licensing document causes financial pressure on TC. A TC cost recovery working group recently proposed a new fee structure that would increase the costs for ADB holders. (The fee proposal for Part IV is scheduled to come into force (CGII) October 31, 2025)
For air traffic control units and air operators there is significant administrative burden and risk of not being able to effectively demonstrate to the Minister that they are adequately tracking and managing their flight staff’s licensing status and training, thus creating a gap where they cannot satisfactorily demonstrate to the minister that they can operate safely.
This can result in monetary penalties or suspension of their certificate dependent on the egregiousness of the gap. Therefore, industry has expressed concern that the current paper-based ADB imposes the creation of internal business processes that are intensive and costly to manage because key data in multiple pages in the ADBs must be scanned or manually transferred to their internal tracking systems.
Industry has noted that moving to an e-license and having electronic access to this data would go a long way to mitigate these challenges and would result in increased efficiency, decreased costs, and reduced risk of errors in manually transcribing licensing data into their internal tracking database.
Some of the challenges for Canada developing an ICAO compliant electronic pilot license are:
The need to ensure that the electronic license system is secure and reliable, and that it can be verified offline by other States
The need to harmonize the format and content of the electronic license with the ICAO standards and the requirements of other States.
The need to update the regulations and procedures for issuing, renewing, suspending, and revoking pilot licences in accordance with the electronic license system
The need to provide adequate training and guidance for pilots, examiners, inspectors, and other stakeholders on the use and benefits of the electronic license system.
System Profile
System Full Name | Electronic Personnel Licensing Initiative |
System Full Name (French) | Initiative de Licences électroniques du personnel. |
Business Administrator | Christopher Toth |
Business Owner | Janelle Hansen |
Director | Ryan Johnson |
Team Multipass Team Email | TC.F NAT AARTJ Team Multipass / Multipasse d'equipe NAT F.TC |
EPLI Generic Email | Electronic Personnel Licence Initiative / |
Subject Matter Expert | Janelle Hansen |
Division | Department Standards (AARTJ) |
Source Code Location | https://dev.azure.com/transport-canada/REEF (e-licensing)/_git/EPL-LEP |
Environment Access Information - E-Licensing Portal
Environment | Applicant Portal |
Dev | \\tcwebscripts\gacswwwroot\securedev\EPLI-LIEP https://epl-lep.dev.tc.canada.ca/GART ( https://gartdev.tc.gc.ca/secure/EPLI-LIEP )Alternate nct-epli-liep-app01.azurewebsites.net VERIFIER : https://epl-lep.dev.tc.canada.ca/verifier |
Acc | \\tcwebscripts\gacswwwroot\secureacc\EPLI-LIEP https://epl-lep.acc.tc.canada.ca/GART ( https://gartacc.tc.gc.ca/secure/EPLI-LIEP )Alternate nct-epli-liep-app01.azurewebsites.net VERIFIER : https://epl-lep.acc.tc.canada.ca/verifier |
Prod | ONBOARDING GUIDE :https://nctepliliepst01.z9.web.core.windows.net/ \\tcwebscripts\gacswwwroot\secure\EPLI-LIEP LICENSE HOLDER : https://epl-lep.tc.canada.ca/LICENSE ISSUER : http://ncd-epli-liep-issuerexample-app01.azurewebsites.net/EMPLOYER : http://ncd-epli-liep-employerexample-app01.azurewebsites.netVERIFIER : https://epl-lep.tc.canada.ca/verifier |
Technology Assessment
Platform Type | Web |
Database Platform and Version | Oracle (DAPLS) |
Development Tool | Visual Studio 2022 |
Development Language and Framework |
Additional Dependencies | SIC, GCCF, Cloud, DAPLS |
Authentication | GCCF (GcKey) |