Navigaional Warnings

Navigaional Warnings


Navigational Warnings:

  • Provides information for vessels about new or changes to a marine facility, service, procedure or navigational hazard.

  • Informs mariners of important navigational safety matters affecting Canadian Waters.

  • Continuous means employed by the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG), to promulgate information required by the master, pilot or person in charge of the navigation of a vessel, as well as other interested parties.

  • Published by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, through the Canadian Coast Guard.


  1. Canadian Coastal Guard

Use Cases



|Description| Source | Format | Date | Update Frequency | Metadata | Cost | Link | Remarks |

| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |

Navigational Warning (NOTWARN)

Canadian Coast Guard







Replaces NOTSHIP

Process for EGIS integration

HTML Table Extraction:

  1. In FME, use the Feature Reader to filter Tables pertain to Navigational Warnings.

  2. Reformat, extract and split attributes with duo-values as required.

  3. Extract numerical values for Lat/Long and convert to decimal degrees.

  4. Transform the Lat/Long to point.

  5. Output to KML, SHP or GDB as required

  6. Import into EGIS

TC Smart Maps:

  1. Not all GIS applications can consume KML file directly due to its unique data structures such as networklinks, folders, models etc.

  2. Please contact Lawrence Chong, Digital Services Directorate for TC Smart Maps KML dataset and format translation.

  3. TC Smart Maps KML link: \\tc.gc.ca\tcgis\GISData\Google Mashup\Marine-NWP\NavigationalWarnings\NavigationalWarnings.kmz


  1. Schema transformation: As required

  2. Denormalization: Not required

  3. Value coding: Not required

  4. Attribute renaming: As required to improve readability

  5. Attribute removal: Not required.

  6. Geoenrichment: Feature symbolization is recommended to improve visualization

  7. Format translation: Not required

  8. Language translation: French version available

  9. Update frequency: Daily