NDWL Emailer servers not sending certificates

NDWL Emailer servers not sending certificates

The certificate processing of the NDWL Emailers exists on the Production servers NCRWKIT102446 and NCRWKIT102448. The servers are in a secure cabinet located on the 11th Floor of the Enterprise Building located at 427 Laurier Ave. West in Ottawa. The secure cabinet can only be opened via a combination lock.

When the NDWL Emailers are not sending certificates, it requires rebooting as it maybe due to one of the following issues:

  • the server is off

  • the server requires rebooting

  • updates were applied to the server

  • electrical outage at the Enterprise Building

  • a new password is required

  • MS Word has documents open and is stuck

In order to reboot and restart the server, it is necessary to logon to the server. Go to Remote Desktop.

Enter NCRWKIT102446 in the Computer field and select Connect. Likewise, it is necessary to repeat the same steps for NCRWKIT102448 afterwards.

If VPN is not running, a message of the following nature will be returned:

If VPN is running, the following window will appear:

Go to the PINS Password Manager to get the password for NDWL Emailer (NCRWKIT102446 PROD) for user NAPAEML. Enter the password. Likewise, repeat the following steps to get the password for NDWL Emailer (NCRWKIT102448 PROD). The following will appear:

Ensure that user NAPAEML is selected and enter the password again. The following appears:

Both of the screens shown must always be available. In order to access both screens, do the following:

  • Select the icon napa_web_actions - Shortcut (circled) to open the Process NAPA Web Delegate Link User Requests screen.

  • Open Microsoft Outlook.

If the server requires rebooting, never select Shut Down. More importantly, if the servers are off due to a power down at the Enterprise Building, please contact Joseph Jones by MS Teams to go over to the Enterprise Building and start up the servers. If Joseph is not available, you can contact Grant Donaldson to request someone go over to the Enterprise Building. Failing that, you may have to go over to the Enterprise Building to power on the servers yourself. You will need to provide the combination and instructions to open the secure cabinet. The instructions for the combination to open the secure cabinet can be found in the PINS Password Manager under section Secure Cabinet - Enterprise Building - Combination.

Generally, the password must be changed every 90 days.

There is also a Development server, NCRWKIT102447. Go to the PINS Password Manager to get the password for NDWL Emailer (NCRWKIT102447 DEV) for user NAPAEML.

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