Source Control for Canvas PowerApps
This guide will help developers use Visual Studio or VS Code to have an IDE to easily explore the code base for a canvas app. You cannot make any changes to the Canvas app code from here, the editor will not recognize them and will crash.
Git repository APSD-PAPS/_git/APSD-PAPS
Branch dev
Directory name APSD-PAPS Canvas
To login to edit canvas app:
Go to the repository and click Clone
Click on Generate Git Credentials to get your username and password.
Files to look at
DataSources folder - changes to the tables/entities
PowerAppsLang.json, PowerAppsLang_TimeEntry.json, Translations.json: Data has all the translations inside the Excel files
Src/Components folder - changes to header, spinner, wizard component
Src folder - changes to any of the pages (code changes are here)