AMES Service Requests

AMES Service Requests

To request a level change, an email from the requester’s supervisor (for example, a TTL or a Chief) to the A.M.E.S. generic inbox (see below) confirming appropriate training is enough to request a level change. Upon receipt of the required information AARTM will assign the required A.M.E.S. access and notify the individual via email. Regions are to forward an email to AARTM AMESServiceRequests-DemandedeServiceTEA@tc.gc.ca with the following information:


  • The individuals branch/division designator (e.g. AARTM)

  • Level of access requested (Regional personnel):

    • level 2, editing rights

    • level 3, read only

  • Confirmation that appropriate training has been completed

  • The need for A.M.E.S. access (i.e. exam invigilator, etc)

  • The individuals employment status (indeterminate or casual/term)


Note: Any correspondence should be sent to the AMESServiceRequests-DemandedeServiceTEA@tc.gc.ca mailbox. This will prevent unnecessary delays if an individual is away from the office.


