CAMIS - Updating the "Application Last Deployed" date
before May 3, 2023, CAMIS did not read the “DateAppLastModified” key from the web.config file.
in order for the updated date to appear in the app, the Date modified date for the English and French h.aspx files had to be updated.
not all members of the development team were aware of this.
Detail :
until May 3, 2023, the date displayed in the footer was based on the “Date modified” date of the English and French h.aspx files.
if the h.aspx files were not changed the deployments to dev/acc/prod won’t display the correct date in the footer
Updated line 316 of clsCAMISUI.vb
lblLastModifiedDate.Text = (FormatTCDate(System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"))))
lblLastModifiedDate.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("DateAppLastModified").ToString()
SM-GS plan instructions moving forward:
In the deployment instructions for the web team, request that the DateLastModifed key be updated to the date the application is being deployed.