CAMIS - Updating the "Application Last Deployed" date

CAMIS - Updating the "Application Last Deployed" date


  • before May 3, 2023, CAMIS did not read the “DateAppLastModified” key from the web.config file.

  • in order for the updated date to appear in the app, the Date modified date for the English and French h.aspx files had to be updated.

  • not all members of the development team were aware of this.

Detail :

until May 3, 2023, the date displayed in the footer was based on the “Date modified” date of the English and French h.aspx files.

  • if the h.aspx files were not changed the deployments to dev/acc/prod won’t display the correct date in the footer




Updated line 316 of clsCAMISUI.vb

lblLastModifiedDate.Text = (FormatTCDate(System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"))))


lblLastModifiedDate.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("DateAppLastModified").ToString()

SM-GS plan instructions moving forward:

In the deployment instructions for the web team, request that the DateLastModifed key be updated to the date the application is being deployed.