Civil Aviation - Flight Standard


Civil Aviation, Flight Standard

User Role

Aviation Lighting Systems Engineer (Electrical)


  • Regulator

  • Inspection

  • Oversight

  • Assessment

  • Review

  • Reference

  • Consultation

  • Stakeholder engagement

  • 3D visualization etc.


  1. TC Smart Maps, Aviation Safety, are the end product derived from Civil Aviation Regulations 601, Division 3; Standard 621, the AAF, NavCanada obstacle lists and various guidance materials. I continually go to TC Smart Maps for these involvements.
    E.g. In developing guidance for marking/lighting bridges, I checked TC Smart Maps for obstacles and aerodromes in the area of Second Narrows Bridge in Vancouver. This occurs continually, so I'm onto TC Smart Maps at least once a day.

  2. The visualization of obstacle data is important for all kind of involvements in relation to regulations, standards and guidance. I use Street View to see obstacles, terrain and environment. I also use view shed, time view and distance measurement.

Benefit / Outcome

  1. The 3D display is excellent and would make work difficult, if not available. TC Smart Maps is a complete transformation. It would be difficult to work without it.